Toggle problems

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Rabbit, Aug 6, 2004.

  1. Rabbit

    Rabbit Guest

    Okay, I've searched and searched and spent 3 hours trying different things.
    What do I need to make this work?

    Lisp part:
    <other lisp stuff>
    (set_tile "hvac_curb" "0")
    (set_tile "hvac_econ" "0")
    "(if (equal \"1\" (get_tile \"hvac_curb\")) (setq UnitCurb 1) (setq
    UnitCurb 0))"
    "(if (equal \"1\" (get_tile \"hvac_econ\")) (setq UnitEconomizer 1)
    (setq UnitEconomizer 0))"
    "(done_dialog)(setq userclick T))"

    DCL part:
    <other DCL stuff>
    : column {
    key = "hvac_options";
    label = "Options";
    : toggle {key = "hvac_curb"; label = "&Curb"; }
    : toggle {key = "hvac_econ"; label = "Economi&zer"; }
    Rabbit, Aug 6, 2004
  2. An easier method to find problems might be -
    (defun Accept_function ()
    (setq hvac_curb (get_tile "hvac_curb"))
    (if (equal hvac_curb "1")
    (setq UnitCurb 1)
    (setq UnitCurb 0)
    (setq hvac_econ (get_tile "hvac_econ"))
    (if (equal hvac_econ "1")
    (setq UnitEconomizer 1)
    (setq UnitEconomizer 0)
    (setq userclick T)

    (action_tile "accept" "(Accept_function)")
    Alan Henderson @ A'cad Solutions, Aug 6, 2004
  3. Rabbit

    T.Willey Guest

    What exactly is going wrong? What is the error, or what is it not doing that you think or want it to do?

    (set_tile "hvac_curb" "0") <-- here you need a number not a string
    (set_tile "hvac_econ" "0") <-- here you need a number not a string
    (set_tile "hvac_curb" 0)
    (set_tile "hvac_econ" 0)
    or here try
    : toggle {key = "hvac_curb"; label = "&Curb"; value="0";}

    Hope that helps,
    T.Willey, Aug 6, 2004
  4. Rabbit

    Rabbit Guest

    That worked great! I never thought about making all of that in to a
    function. Thanks!!!!
    Rabbit, Aug 6, 2004
  5. Rabbit

    Rabbit Guest

    And now I see what I was doing wrong in the first place. I thought that it
    had to be in string form, not a number. So, I guess that I was on the right
    track, just the wrong train. Thanks for the info.
    Rabbit, Aug 6, 2004
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