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Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by kmaren24, Jun 29, 2005.

  1. kmaren24

    jon banquer Guest

    As of late I think you have been pretty fair about it. I thought the
    question about you remembering I have been no big fan of Pro/E was fair
    and calling me on why do I suddenly think the next release of Pro/E
    Wildfire is a big deal is certainly very legit. Joe Dunne's comments on
    think3's marketing are legit as well.... the problem is that think3 has
    *much better surfacing software talent* than SolidWork does. think3 also
    spends a lot more on R&D for surfacing. SolidWorks instead tries to be
    more Autodesk like and spends a disproportionate amount of their time
    and money on being more Autodesk like.

    I don't agree that the direction that SolidWorks has taken for
    development for many years now (100 percent focus on Autodesk) is the
    right direction and I feel it's a big reason why SolidWorks has lost
    their focus and why the current software doesn't work well at things
    like top down design. (This according to a regular poster here who you
    have implied you respect.)

    Joe Dunne would argue it's resulted in SolidWorks market
    domination (I would agree). I would argue that SolidWorks market
    domination came at a big price, Bing.

    SolidWorks marketing focus has had major drawbacks in how SolidWorks
    performs and is able to deal with many real world situations. Joe Dunne
    doesn't have the balls to own up to that and neither do most of the
    product loyalists in this newsgroup. Joe Dunne once admitted in this
    newsgroup that think3 spent too much money on R&D and felt this would
    cause think3 to go broke. I don't agree.

    IMO, in order for SolidWorks to truly get better at surfacing and solid
    integration that they need to shift their focus and change their
    marketing plan. The chances of this happening are between slim and none.

    If PTC has done their homework and has learned from their many past
    mistakes, I do believe that Wildfire 3 can be what SolidWorks isn't. I
    see a delay in releasing Wildfire 3 as a good move as it needs a lot of
    work to be as user friendly as SolidWorks. In addition, PTC has an even
    bigger task than SolidWorks Corp. as PTC writes their own CAM package
    and my understanding is that the Wildfire UI is still not used in
    Sorry you lost me.

    jon banquer, Jul 4, 2005
  2. kmaren24

    Cliff Guest

    Executive summary: Liked it so much, he bought the company

    It's not like you can actually use it. Or anything.
    Cliff, Jul 5, 2005
  3. kmaren24

    Cliff Guest

    Something else you don't use.
    Quite an amazing list, actually.

    Your opines are worthless (and often
    Cliff, Jul 5, 2005
  4. kmaren24

    Brian Guest

    I raised hell with my var and with SWx when I was unable to attend. The
    final resolution was this: About 3 years ago, I was getting 4-10 "offers"
    of various cad video cards a week which annoyed me quite a bit.

    I "opted out" of one of the more prolific e-mail notices that I was
    getting. Apparently the opt-out made no deference as to the type of e-mail
    that was stopped, and all e-mail from solidworks was effected. I notice now
    that the preferences ( I don't think it did at the time ) allows you to set
    what type of e-mail you do and do not receive.
    Brian, Jul 6, 2005
  5. kmaren24

    neil Guest

    on reflection you didn't miss much....certainly not worth the cost of the
    phone call to the US from NZ on my latest bill... :eek:(
    if you have made it to the level of Ed's curvy stuff - and SW owe him a lot
    for those since they have never come up with something themselves to educate
    users about how best to use their tools or what's happening under the
    hood -I don't know that there is much more to know about the present set just need to use them in the most creative way to maintain the
    best continuity you can....and keep it simple... if that's possible. ;o)
    neil, Jul 6, 2005
  6. kmaren24

    Cliff Guest

    CLUE: AutoCad has been 3D for a LONG time.
    Cliff, Jul 10, 2005
  7. kmaren24

    Cliff Guest

    On Sat, 9 Jul 2005 21:27:59 +0000 (UTC), jon banquer

    Cliff, Jul 10, 2005
  8. kmaren24

    Cliff Guest

    How many reside inside that pointed head?
    Oops .... forgot ... YOU cannot use it ....

    Too few ads & buzzwords?

    LMAO !!
    Cliff, Jul 10, 2005
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