to download "7101 90 Reducing Elbow (Sock-It X Sock-It X Npt)" model

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by anil, Mar 2, 2007.

  1. anil

    anil Guest

    Hi all,

    I need detailed description on "7101 90 Reducing Elbow (Sock-It X Sock-
    It X Npt)", with drawings. Is it possible to get any 3Dmodels on
    interNet for download such that i can visualise the same.

    Please provide me with the same
    anil, Mar 2, 2007
  2. anil

    Chris Dubea Guest

    I'm so tired of seeing all the whiny posts wanting to download models.
    Invariably it's from a poster we have never seen before and will never
    see again.

    So, as Paul says, model it yourself. It's not particularly complex.

    Chris Dubea, Mar 4, 2007
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