to delete a net in a schematic using SKILL

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by kamal, Sep 26, 2006.

  1. kamal

    kamal Guest


    I am trying to have a subroutine where i mention my lib/cell schematic
    view and a list of nets and it should iteratively delete those nets. I
    tried 2 approaches till now, but facing a problem with both:

    1. I opened the schematic using
    a) cvid = dbOpenCellViewByType (<all data>)
    b) k = "dbFindNetByName(cvid netname).
    c) dbDeleteObject(k)

    The problem is when i open that schematic i still see that net .

    2. I did a select;
    geOpen(?lib "mylib" ?cell "mycell" ?view "schematic" ?viewType
    "schematic" ?mode "a")
    cvId = dbOpenCellViewByType("mylib" "mycell" "schematic" "schematic"
    foreach( netToBeDeleted netNameList

    schSchSelectPropForm->schSchSelPropNameCyclic->value = "netName"
    schSchSelectPropForm->schSchSelPropValueString->value = netToBeDeleted

    Here when i am trying these lines one by one in my icfb , then it
    deletes those nets , but when i put this a procedure then it stops at
    the place where we need to click <OK> on the form and thus my whole
    effort of automation gets lost.

    Please help me out.

    Thanks & Regards,
    kamal, Sep 26, 2006
  2. For the first approach:

    Q: does the net still have a pin, which is not deleted?

    a) cvid = dbOpenCellViewByType (<all data>)
    b) k = "dbFindNetByName(cvid netname).
    c) dbDeleteObject(k)
    -> try
    *) schCheck( cvid )
    here, to extract the new created connectivity.

    Bernd Fischer, Sep 26, 2006
  3. kamal

    kamal Guest

    I resolved the issue, there is a property in the net object called
    "fig", which has info abt it being a label or line etc, i itercatively
    deletd the contents of fig and then deleted the base object of that net
    and it worked. :)-)

    by just deleting the net object and even after doing schCheck() , i was
    not able to delete the net .

    kamal, Sep 27, 2006
  4. That's because schCheck() creates the nets based on the physical information
    (the wires) in the schematic. You need to remove the physical information
    (in fact, deleting just the wires associated with the net, and re-doing the
    schCheck would remove the net - you don't have to explicitly delete the
    net object because the schCheck will do that.


    Andrew Beckett, Oct 2, 2006
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