title block trouble

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by a.murrell, Jul 6, 2005.

  1. a.murrell

    a.murrell Guest

    i'm having trouble trying to get my titleblock closer to the edg of the page
    i've tried plotting upsidedown and tried modifing paper sizes. it is either
    to far off the edge or it cuts the titleblock off.
    please help
    a.murrell, Jul 6, 2005
  2. a.murrell

    Janice Guest

    This is a function of your own printer. You will need to waste a sheet
    of paper for this test. Draw lines an 1/8" apart starting from the
    edges of your "paper" (an AutoCad model-space drawing). Number those
    lines from the outside edge, 1, 2, 3 etc. up to about 1.5" inches. So
    you will have 11 lines parallel to each edge of the "paper". Then plot.

    Now you will see exactly how big your printers margins are and can draw
    your "plot area" box (I suggest in defpoints). Put a small dot (not in
    defpoints) - and I do mean small at each corner of this box and you
    should get the same result every time you plot.

    Good luck. Every time AutoCad upgrades and changes the plotting, our
    office comes to a screeching halt to set up our standard title block
    drawing once again.

    Janice G
    Janice, Aug 2, 2005
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