tips backlog - seamless extension of surfaces

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Edward T Eaton, Aug 6, 2003.

  1. Sometimes when I extend a surface, the extended areas merge with the
    original surface, and other times the extended areas result in different
    faces from the original surface. I never could figure out why extensions
    don't always merge with the source.

    Today when I copied a moderately complex face by doing an offset of '0.00'
    and extended the ends of that surface, I ended up with one face. When the
    offset was "0.005", all of the extended areas were split into different
    faces from the original.

    Extra faces in a model are the enemy, causing problems with many features.
    It's better to do the copy at '0.000', extend seamlessly, then offset that
    seamless face '.005' to create a seamless result than to remove the extra
    offset feature but be burdened with multiple faces.

    Again, I don't know if this is a unique case or it applies across the board,
    but its something to keep an eye out for.

    And here's a generally useful Tip -

    Insert>Surface>Untrim can be used to extend faces too - just mess with the
    percentage number. Untrimmed surfaces will usually be seamless to the
    original, where an extension often won't be.
    Edward T Eaton, Aug 6, 2003
  2. Snips here and below
    Thank you, thank you , thank you! I won't know for sure until I try it out,
    but I think you may have shown me how to make one of my problem parts much
    more robust.
    Another very interesting idea that I would never have thought of in a
    million years. You are the king of surfaces!

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    Jerry Steiger, Aug 7, 2003
  3. Edward T Eaton

    Andrew Troup Guest


    Your tips are like signposts in a labyrinth, pointing back to Sanity

    I helped an associate recently with a difficult curvy swoopy modelling
    problem which ended up being both easy and fun, largely due to techniques
    and workarounds you'd either originated or brought to the attention of this

    Untrim is one of those features which had dropped out of my mental map, and
    inspired by this unconventional workaround, I intend to survey it and stick
    in on the map.

    Thanks again

    Andrew Troup
    Andrew Troup, Aug 7, 2003
  4. Dude, you are going to love untrim. It is really worth a look
    Edward T Eaton, Aug 7, 2003
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