tip on properties dialog box selection button

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Dick Alvarez, Oct 19, 2004.

  1. Dick Alvarez

    Dick Alvarez Guest

    In the "PROPERTIES" dialog box (called by the command "pr"), the
    Microsoft Windows Normal Select cursor (mouse pointer) "cross.cur"
    does not reliably activate the "Select Objects" button. Some times
    many mouse button clicks are required in order to activate the
    "Select Objects" button. The slightly thicker Microsoft cursor
    "cross_il.cur", and the Microsoft Normal Select default cursor (the
    large arrow that points up and to the left), work properly.

    Also in the "PROPERTIES" dialog box, with the Windows "cross.cur"
    cursor, the "Toggle value of PICKAD Sysvar" tool-tip (the yellow box
    that contains the label of the icon) does not appear, but it does
    appear properly with the larger cursors.

    I prefer the Microsoft Windows cross-type cursors, rather than the
    default sloping arrow, for selection. When I changed to the
    cross-type cursor, it did not occur to me that another Microsoft
    cursor might not work properly.

    I noticed that in the Microsoft Office applications, most of the
    toolbar "ScreenTips" did not work, in spite of the "Show ScreenTips
    on Toolbars" being checked. One of my associates, a bright guy who
    is majoring in computer science, suggested that I try a thicker
    cursor. After I changed to the thicker cursor, I noticed that
    suddenly the AutoCAD "Select Objects" button worked reliably, and the
    "Toggle value of PICKAD Sysvar" tool-tip worked.

    The AutoCAD tool bars took-tips all seem to work with all cursors
    that I have tried.

    I am using AutoCAD LT 2004, running on Microsoft Windows XT
    Professional on a Compaq Evo computer with a Compaq 1701 17-inch
    flat-screen monitor.

    Dick Alvarez
    alvarez at alumni dot caltech dot edu
    Dick Alvarez, Oct 19, 2004
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