If you are like me you have SW backups set to 2 copies in the very unlikely event that you make a mistake and have to go back and restore a SW document. This leads to another distasteful task, cleaning out the SW Backup directory from time to time. One of my associates pointed out that he likes to keep 3 days of backups. So how to keep 3 days of backups without spending time every day manually deleting files? Enter DELOLD and the Task Scheduler. 1. Goto [URL]http://www.experts-exchange.com/Operating_Systems/MSDOS/Q_21238420.html[/URL] and grab this command file using cut and paste. Paste it into notepad and save to a convenient place on your system's search path with the name DELOLD.CMD. 2. Create another command file called SWCLEAN.CMD and put in: CD "SW Backup Directory" DELOLD 4 *.SLD* 3. Create a task in the Task Scheduler that runs SWCLEAN.CMD at some early hour of the morning. 4. Before letting this go and run, test SWCLEAN.CMD. If all is well edit DELOLD.CMD and replace ECHO with DEL so that it actually deletes files. Note that you could also add a line to SWCLEAN.CMD to clean out your temp directory and defragment. Defragment is simply DEFRAG C: