TIP OF THE DAY: Bifurcation in assembly mates

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by TOP, Mar 2, 2006.

  1. TOP

    TOP Guest

    This is one most people have experienced but didn't know what to call

    When using cam mates it is possible have two solutions to the mate when
    a dimension driving the cam mate changes. For example, imagine that the
    cam track consists of an equilateral triangle with rounded vertices. A
    part is driven around the track by a distance mate from one of the
    vertices to a point mated to the track. As the distance mate is changed
    the point will move away from the vertex assuming the mate dimension is
    being increased. The driven point will eventuall reach the next vertex.
    At some point it will move arount the adjacent vertex and end up on the
    base of the equilateral triangle opposite the driving vertex. At this
    point there will be two solutions for the distance mate. If you are
    jumping from a previous configuration along one of the sides of the
    triangle adjacent to the vertex the point will pick the solution that
    is closer to last position in the previous configuration.

    To avoid this it is important to approach a location capable of
    bifurcation in small steps.
    TOP, Mar 2, 2006
  2. TOP

    TOP Guest

    TOP, Mar 3, 2006
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