Time To Out Some Of The Usual Liars That Fill These Newsgroups

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by jon_banquer, May 25, 2009.

  1. jon_banquer

    jon_banquer Guest

    Why would someone use AOL to post to a Usenet newsgroup?

    What did / does AOL offer that is appealing with for someone who
    wishes to hide their IP address?

    Is there a legitimate way to hide your IP address, use an IP Address
    that's not your own but that is perfectly legitimate for you to use?

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 25, 2009
  2. jon_banquer

    Joe788 Guest

    Who would these liars be, Jon? (Other than you, of course).

    Can you please post direct quotes of said "lies"?
    Joe788, May 25, 2009
  3. jon_banquer

    jon_banquer Guest

    If you're following along and know the answers you don't have to post
    them, as I already know them. ;>)

    Nothing I figured out on my own... it was a gift from someone I
    consider to a be a friend.

    Here are a few more questions to ask of yourself:

    What are some of the major problems with using lame web sites like
    Hide My Ass or any of its ilk?

    When you post using one of these lame web sites are you posting with a
    different IP address each time you post? ;>)

    How many IP addresses have I posted with today? ;>)

    Am I forging IP addresses as the biggest liar to these newsgroups
    claims? ;>)

    Can you every really be banned from any web board if you know how to
    generate a new IP address at will? If you do know how, does that mean
    you must be "forging" your IP address? ;>)

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 25, 2009
  4. jon_banquer

    jon_banquer Guest

    If you're following along and know the answers you don't have to post
    them, as I already know them. ;>)

    Nothing I figured out on my own... it was a gift from someone I
    consider to a be a friend.

    Here are a few more questions to ask of yourself:

    What are some of the major problems with using lame web sites like
    Hide My Ass or any of its ilk?

    When you post using one of these lame web sites like Hide My Ass are
    you posting with a
    different IP address each time you post? ;>)

    How many IP addresses have I posted with today? ;>) Where Am I posting
    from now?

    Am I forging IP addresses as the biggest liars to these newsgroups
    claim? ;>)

    Can you every really be banned from any web board if you know how to
    generate a new IP address at will? If you do know how, does that mean
    you must be "forging" your IP address? ;>)

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 25, 2009
  5. jon_banquer

    vinny Guest

    Did you understand any of that dribble he was spewing?
    Some shit about ip addys? what the hell?
    I'm telling you man, If I didn't know better I'd say johhny bullshitter was
    15yrs old.
    And why is he posting to a soldiworks group, has he been going to the
    solidworks forums and is now a self proclaimed never used it before expert
    on that stuff also?
    vinny, May 25, 2009
  6. jon_banquer

    Joe788 Guest

    Typical Banqeuriffic answer.

    "I'm going to out these liars..."

    "Well, who are the liars?"

    "If you don't already know, I'm not going to tell you."

    This is like time you went on for months calling Tom and I liars, but
    never once produced a single quote of either of us lying?
    Joe788, May 25, 2009
  7. jon_banquer

    Cliff Guest

    Did Cox give you the boot (agaiin)?
    LOL ....
    Cliff, May 25, 2009
  8. jon_banquer

    reidmachine Guest

    Well, Jonnie, WHO are they?
    C'mon, who?

    It's a holiday, so, your'e probably not at work, you have plenty of
    Post the list, I'm sure the whole usenet world is waiting with baited
    reidmachine, May 25, 2009
  9. jon_banquer

    jon_banquer Guest

    If you're following along and know the answers you don't have to post
    them, as I already know them. ;>)

    Nothing I figured out on my own... it was a gift from someone I
    consider to a be a friend.

    Here are a few more questions to ask of yourself:

    What are some of the major problems with using lame web sites like
    Hide My Ass or any of its ilk?

    When you post using one of these lame web sites like Hide My Ass are
    you posting with a different IP address each time you post? ;>)

    How many IP addresses have I posted with today? ;>) Where Am I posting
    from now? Who is my ISP?

    Am I forging IP addresses as the biggest liars to these newsgroups
    claim? ;>)

    Can you every really be banned from any web board if you know how to
    generate a new IP address at will? If you do know how, does that mean
    you must be "forging" your IP address? ;>)

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 25, 2009
  10. jon_banquer

    reidmachine Guest

    Names Jon, Names!!!!!

    Is it too simple for you?
    reidmachine, May 25, 2009
  11. jon_banquer

    jon_banquer Guest

    How does it feel to "NEED NAMES", Darrell?

    You'll get nothing and like it. ;>)

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 25, 2009
  12. jon_banquer

    Doug Miller Guest

    Did you forget your meds this morning?
    Doug Miller, May 25, 2009
  13. jon_banquer

    Terry Coombs Guest

    What a pathetic piece of shit you are . "I know something you don't know ,
    neener neener neener ."
    You're just another troll out to stir up shit ... and I have yet to see
    anything from you besides spam and shitstirring .
    Terry Coombs, May 25, 2009
  14. jon_banquer

    Joe788 Guest

    Nobody needs the names, because they don't exist. We just want to see
    you proving yourself as a lying piece of garbage over and over.

    Mission accomplished.
    Joe788, May 25, 2009
  15. jon_banquer

    jon_banquer Guest

    If you're following along and know the answers you don't have to post
    them, as I already know them. ;>)

    Nothing I figured out on my own... it was a gift from someone I
    consider to a be a friend.

    Here are a few more questions to ask of yourself:

    What are some of the major problems with using lame web sites like
    Hide My Ass or any of its ilk?

    When you post using one of these lame web sites like Hide My Ass are
    you posting with a different IP address each time you post? ;>)

    How many IP addresses have I posted with today? ;>) Where Am I posting
    from now? Who is my ISP?

    Am I forging IP addresses as the biggest liars to these newsgroups
    claim? ;>)

    Can you every really be banned from any web board if you know how to
    generate a new IP address at will? If you do know how, does that mean
    you must be "forging" your IP address? ;>)

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 25, 2009
  16. jon_banquer

    reidmachine Guest

    Yeah, kinda what I expected, same ol' Jonnie, same ol' posts.
    reidmachine, May 25, 2009
  17. Who would these liars be, Jon? (Other than you, of course).
    You are not following Jon's rules. No back talk!
    Stupendous Man, May 25, 2009
  18. jon_banquer

    jon_banquer Guest

    If you're following along and know the answers you don't have to post
    them, as I already know them. ;>)

    Nothing I figured out on my own... it was a gift from someone I
    consider to a be a friend.

    Here are a few more questions to ask of yourself:

    What are some of the major problems with using lame web sites like
    Hide My Ass or any of its ilk?

    When you post using one of these lame web sites like Hide My Ass are
    you posting with a different IP address each time you post? ;>)

    How many IP addresses have I posted with today? ;>) Where Am I posting
    from now? Who is my ISP?

    Am I forging IP addresses as the biggest liars to these newsgroups
    claim? ;>)

    Can you every really be banned from any web board if you know how to
    generate a new IP address at will? If you do know how, does that mean
    you must be "forging" your IP address? ;>)

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 25, 2009
  19. jon_banquer

    Cliff Guest

    Don't shake him up.
    The green goo would run out.
    Cliff, May 25, 2009
  20. jon_banquer

    Cliff Guest

    "Off yer meds again?" - Hoyt McKagen (to banquer).
    Cliff, May 25, 2009
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