Time from File Attributes or EDITTIME

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by samurai, Feb 5, 2008.

  1. samurai

    samurai Guest

    How can I extract the total time from each DWG file?

    I've got a directory of files, that I would like the Total Editing
    Time to be extracted to a spreadsheet, with file name, directory and
    the time, or more variables at will.

    Is there a program for this? Or can some provide a link?

    We are aware of TIME and EDITTIME, and it works well. But we've got
    to process all the files, and log it. Using 2008.

    samurai, Feb 5, 2008
  2. samurai

    per.corell Guest

    "at will. "

    Iknow what you mean --- someone ordered you to extract the past 20
    year imagined develobment ,, offcaurse it is reasoable to expect
    programs alive ,ready alert, standing on one foot ,dictate a suitable
    Lisp program to load, and do the trivial for you.
    Why not jettison the lot ; redraw the drawings redo the lot ---
    instead of innovation on cans , historic or antique CNC codes, where
    new products and instant jobs could be an option --- just carry you
    on , tell 'em .
    When I was young one would standing on one foot deliver, a small Lisp
    thing , doing the whole sub lib, open eacj drawing fetch a yield ,and
    write it to file ; newer allow 'em to dictate what they want !
    per.corell, Feb 8, 2008
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