Time Execution of Simulation

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by ecnedad, Jul 23, 2008.

  1. ecnedad

    ecnedad Guest

    I'm running a remote simulation.

    My problem is regarding the time execution of Simulation.

    I'm using an ipcBeginProcess to run the spectre remotely.

    And ipcBeginProcess takes 46 secs to finished the simulation and to
    get ready for another process.

    But when I look into my spectre log file (spectre.out), the spectre
    simulation only took 4 secs to finished the actual spectre process.

    So the ipcBeginProcess took 42 secs to send the command and wait for
    the id process to be ready again.

    ipcBeginProcess took more than 10 times of the actual spectre runtime.

    Is there a way to minimize the runtime process of ipcBeginProcess.
    ecnedad, Jul 23, 2008
  2. ecnedad

    Riad KACED Guest


    What if you try to higher the nice level of your process by using the
    ipcSetPriority ?

    PS: useful skill function : measureTime()
    Riad KACED, Jul 24, 2008
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