TIFF.PLT driver

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by PlottingGuy, Apr 7, 2004.

  1. PlottingGuy

    PlottingGuy Guest

    I have been reconfiguring a tiff driver for plotting Black and White
    prints and medium resolution (150 DPI). The driver seems to work
    great in TIFF mode but I noticed these lines in the driver:

    ; Format = 3 tells the lorip driver to generate a TIFF file.
    ; Quality identifies the type of compression
    quality=1 ; Default compression

    I messed around with the "Format=" ranging from 1 to 7 and saw a
    dramatic increase in file size in some cases, I am assuming that the
    file being written is not a tiff and is infact and uncompressed format
    such as BMP.

    Ultimately I would like to control the method, format, and quality.
    If one of the developers has a list of the numbers their corresponding
    formats, methods, and quality settings it would be a great help.

    Thank you,
    PlottingGuy, Apr 7, 2004
  2. PlottingGuy

    Bevan Guest

    This has been discussed a few times in the past. You need to look in a
    header file in ..\mdl\include that does not install by default. I think it
    is image.h, but can't remember for sure. deja.com is not working at the
    moment. discussion.bentley.com should show this as well, but I can't find
    it. You could try this post in one of Bentleys .plotting groups
    Bevan, Apr 8, 2004
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