Thumbnails in DCL

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by mnash, Jun 2, 2004.

  1. mnash

    mnash Guest

    Any thoughts on how to (or direct me to some reliable literature) associate a thumbnail of an AutoCAD drawing (or any jpeg for that matter) to a radial button in a DCL file?

    So if you select a radial button for a block, the thumbnail (or jpeg) will apper, then if you select a different radial button for a different block, again that thumbnail will appear.

    Thanks a bunch
    mnash, Jun 2, 2004
  2. mnash

    ECCAD Guest

    How about a 'list' box on left, and 'image_box' on right.
    Highlight the 'blockname', and show the image in the image_box ? That would be less code and would dynamically update - without going into .dcl and adding yet another radio_button..

    Just a thought.

    ECCAD, Jun 2, 2004
  3. Not to derail your efforts, but you can do what you want and so much more with ObjectDCL.
    The ODCL makes dialog programming so much easier than DCL. The callbacks are all separate and logical.
    It makes things similar to VB where you have callbacks for events and the ability to modify the control properties while
    It is addicting though. Once you try it, its easier to debug and much better looking. You can use any activeX control
    available and therefore it completes the vision of Visual Lisp which is to allow the language to hook up with other
    windows programs.
    Imagine a dialog box with a grid type control like excel. I use them all the time and DCL is just half baked in
    I dont work for them but would sure love to buy stock should it become available.
    The best thing is that it seems to be very stable. Any crashes are always my codes fault.
    Give it a try unless you are just doing minor lisp programming.

    mnash <>
    |>Any thoughts on how to (or direct me to some reliable literature) associate a thumbnail of an AutoCAD drawing (or any jpeg for that matter) to a radial button in a DCL file?
    |>So if you select a radial button for a block, the thumbnail (or jpeg) will apper, then if you select a different radial button for a different block, again that thumbnail will appear.
    |>Thanks a bunch

    James Maeding
    Civil Engineer/Programmer
    James Maeding, Jun 3, 2004
  4. mnash

    BillZ Guest

    The Autolisp getfiled function has a preview pane that shows the bitmap of the drawing file when the filename is highlighted in the list.
    You could have a button in you DCL labeled "select block", and use an action_tile for that button to display a getfiled so the user could select a block.

    (getfiled "SELECT A BLOCK" "C:\\Program Files\\AutoCAD 2005\\Sample\\"
    "dwg" 2)


    BillZ, Jun 3, 2004
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