
Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by popeye, May 17, 2004.

  1. popeye

    popeye Guest

    I found a pretty useful web site in general. They
    are part of a new outsourcing thing called threadworking for producing CAD
    drawings and models. This seems to connect CAD drafters with clients. I
    think the deal is you join up as a member, and then you get CAD work to do
    in a work-share sort-of way. You can also put work into the system (stuff
    that you cannot do, you cannot cope with or that you don't have the software
    for)... and someone else does it for you. It seems that work comes in that
    way or direct from clients who want to outsource, but they are not agents or

    Seems like a pretty good idea for getting projects done - I'm thinking of
    joining, has anyone heard of them/worked with them or have any comments on
    popeye, May 17, 2004
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