Thoughts on using the administrative image.

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Klaus Sabroe, Jan 26, 2004.

  1. Klaus Sabroe

    Klaus Sabroe Guest

    I am managering 21 licenses, installed on 30 machines. Prior to Sw
    2004 I installed traditionally and when I accepted a SP I send out a
    mail. Then my colleagues would copy it from a server and installed it
    Some of the user are not daily users, they open SW to print a drawing
    and that's it. I usually install the SP on their machines.
    I hoped the windows installer in combination with the administrative
    image would help my day, but I do not think so.

    I have done some testing and this is my conclusion. Please fell free
    to comment them.

    Using the administrative I can only install SolidWorks SP's. I Have to
    do some manually work with Edrawing, Help, Explorer and Viewer.
    Creating the image does not include Edrawing, only SolidWorks.
    If I update with a new SP and SW decides to withdraw the SP for some
    reason, I have to uninstall SW on 30 machines, delete my image and
    create a new image. If I install SW without image I can roll SW back
    to previous SP.
    If something happens to the image I am in trouble. I can open SW and
    work but I have to delete SW from the machines and to do this I have
    to get a tool from Microsoft that will clean up in my reg. base. Then
    I should be allowed to delete all folder and re-install.

    If I should gain something I will put a bat file in my start group so
    SP's would install when the machine is started. But it took me roughly
    15 min to install SP2. None of my colleagues will accept that. They
    shall decide when to update with a new SP.

    So the only thing I see I gain is I do not have to carry my CD's when
    I install SolidWorks.

    Kind regards

    Klaus Sabroe
    Klaus Sabroe, Jan 26, 2004
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