Thoughts: file version control inside solidworks (subversion)

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Johnny Geling, Jun 24, 2004.

  1. Hai,

    I have made thought about version control. In software development I use
    an IDE (Eclipse) with a version control build-in. Actually I prefer the
    subversion pluggin.

    Wouldn't it be great if there would be a IDE-CAD with the abillity to
    work on CAD files (solidworks) and also text file for documentation.
    Integrated in this IDE-CAD should be some kind of version control.
    Subversion would be great. Why into a IDE-CAD? Well building the system
    as a workspace with plugins it could benefit from the ability other
    plugins or program give to the version control system. The main feature
    would be compare documents. In this case assemblies, parts and drawing.
    When comparing tools are availible from the native application the
    version control pluggin could use these tools. This is off course
    extremly important when dealing with binary files or feature structured
    files. Offcourse the xml concept from Phillipe could play some role.

    Just simple thoughts.

    Johnny Geling, Jun 24, 2004
  2. Johnny Geling

    rocheey Guest

    Wouldn't it be great if there would be a IDE-CAD with the abillity to
    Who knows? Maybe the Solidworks Gods have heard you...... ;)
    rocheey, Jun 24, 2004
  3. We will see what 2005 will bring us

    Johnny Geling, Jun 24, 2004
  4. extremly important when dealing with binary files or feature structured
    That really would be the best. An "XML Feature" (like the "Macro
    Feature") added as one of the features... One could potientially store
    any information they wanted. It would be customizable and there could
    be an interface (preferrably web based) that could be used to extract/
    present information... revisions/ trees (like the one in dynabits) you
    name it, it could all be done!

    I kind of thought about this one and dropped it when I started work on

    Vinodh Kumar M, Jun 25, 2004
  5. Right. XML is the way. Check and use it ! It is free !
    You can easily extract any information you need from your models from the
    generated XML, and can visualize it as you like by using XSLT.

    And if the "SolidWorks Gods" have an idea on how to embed documents in their
    Holy Files, let's hope than enough prayers will let them create an API for
    this too. Pray with me : "Please SolidWorks protect us from Bill Gates'
    Structured Storage and solve SPR 226951 and SPR 226952". Even if you don't
    understand every word, it may work (just like prayers...)

    Now seriously, version control through Subversion or CVS is not a good idea
    for SW files becuse they contain too much binary data and can't benefit from
    the efficient "diff" function those source code version control use.

    Now if you consider that 's EcoSqueeze can delete all this
    heavy 3D Parasolid info you don't need in archives (Structured Storage...)
    and that many/most design information can be stored in an XML file, version
    control becomes realistic. However, CVS or Subversion handle XML as text
    and can't detect that <thistag a="1" b="2"/> is the same as <thistag b="2"
    a="1" />.
    We would need an XML-specific version control system, or plug an XML-diff
    module in Subversion...

    The trouble is, days are only 24h long and I have more ideas than money :-(
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Jun 25, 2004
  6. The trouble is, days are only 24h long and I have more ideas than money :-(

    I have no pity for you!

    Sadly, Philippe, I have a worse condition - more ideas than brains.


    Sean-Michael Adams, Jun 25, 2004
  7. Should we go to the 2005 beta forum?

    Beside your example how would you deal with file interrelations? Would
    you do that like is done in software dev with the include? But what if
    Solidworks provide a diff functionality which could be plugged in into
    subversion? That is what would be intresting.

    Johnny Geling, Jun 25, 2004
  8. Yeah for that purpose, it's great, but what we require is an
    "extenstion" that will store textual information along with the model

    An "XML Feature" would be an excellent, customizable method of
    documenting a design.

    While we can wait for SW to get around to giving us this, how much
    work would it be to use a "Macro Feature" to do this?

    Vinodh Kumar M, Jun 26, 2004
  9. Please ignore my previous post, I misunderstood the discussion...

    Vinodh Kumar M, Jun 26, 2004
  10. yes, it would, but you have to take care about parts that have imported
    geometry or face/edge specific information (colors, names) which would be
    We should ask Thilo ( to make his great tool a bit more
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Jun 26, 2004
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