This must be possible!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Alphadraw, Jul 22, 2005.

  1. Alphadraw

    Alphadraw Guest

    Hi, help needed,

    I have two plastic parts which operate together as a hinge. However, I want
    to mould them as one rigid part where a small bridge is snapped on assembly
    to allow them to move as two parts and form a hinge.

    My question is:

    At present is it designed as two parts mated together in the overall
    assembly ... Is it possible for me to combine these two parts together
    somehow and form a new single part which the toolmakers could use. Obviously
    I could re-model the item as one part but it is quite complicate and will be
    time consuming so I'm hoping there is a short cut.

    SW2005 SP3.0

    Thanks ... Roger
    Alphadraw, Jul 22, 2005
  2. Hi, you can save an assembly as a part, or you could insert a new part into
    the assembly and use the 'join' command to create your combined thing.
    Lee Bazalgette - Factory, Jul 22, 2005
  3. Alphadraw

    neil Guest

    see 'creating a joined part' in the SW help.
    neil, Jul 22, 2005
  4. Alphadraw

    Alphadraw Guest

    Hi All,

    OK I have found how to do it - Combine Parts - obvious really

    Thanks anyway

    Alphadraw, Jul 22, 2005
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