This beginner has a mate problem.

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by amylabritto, Jan 23, 2007.

  1. amylabritto

    amylabritto Guest

    I am in hopes that someone on this forum can help me on a mating
    problem. I have a 1" round X 6" long shaft, and I want to mate it to a
    block that is 1" thick and 6 " square. On the top and in the middle
    of this block is a V-cut, approximately 3/4" deep, 6" long. I want
    to mate the round shaft to the block as though it were lying perfectly
    in the V-cut. Please give me the correct principle and procedure that I
    should follow.

    Thank you
    amylabritto, Jan 23, 2007
  2. Try a tangent mate between the cylinder and each side of the V.
    Bruce Bretschneider, Jan 23, 2007
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