Thinking about using Autocad?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Les, Jun 6, 2006.

  1. Les

    Les Guest

    It blows my mind that I haven't found any type of anti-Autodesk
    organization online. If I could find one, I'd join it. Dealing with
    Autodesk products has brought about the most grief I've ever
    experienced at a job. Their products seemed to work fine, before
    Autodesk started inventing new ways to make money. Release 14 was
    great. Even 2000i worked really well. Now, they're releasing the new
    products every year, and changing everything. "Streamline your business
    with the new Autocad! New Features, New Menus, Better Functionality,"
    MY ASS.

    The 2006 product has never worked on any machine we put it on. A fresh
    install on some machines takes almost 4 hours, and when it finally
    finishes, it doesn't work. Straight out of the box, and we get "unknown
    command" errors for almost everything. Menu items don't show up or
    don't do anything. What happened to making a good product?

    Don't even get me started on the licensing aspect. I will say that I've
    requested our company's license info from Autodesk, and they refused,
    saying that I had to send them a pay stub to prove that I worked here.
    Their response to my frustration was something along the lines of, "Can
    you imagine if somebody else got your company's licensing info?" My

    If this were my company, I'd have tossed all interaction with Autodesk
    in the toilet, and burned everything made after 2001. Autodesk is a
    scam. I'm amazed that so many people allow themselves to be frauded by
    this company.
    Les, Jun 6, 2006
  2. Les

    RebarGuy Guest

    If you don't like AutoCAD, I have only 1 word for you:

    RebarGuy, Jun 7, 2006
  3. Les

    long&left Guest

    that won't work. This clown obviously has no clue what he's doing so
    he'll just flub up MS too. Then he'll be on the MS groups spitting his
    vile at them...
    long&left, Jun 7, 2006
  4. Les

    Les Guest

    "This clown obviously has no clue what he's doing so he'll just flub up
    MS too."

    I'd like to know how you deduce that "this clown" has no clue? Is there
    anything in my post that implies that I'm below normal intelligence?
    I'll have you know that I'm quite well versed in every aspect of
    computer administration, and I've never seen anything as absurd as the
    group of products released by Autodesk in the past few years. They had
    it right, then they started focusing too much energy on making a new
    product to sell.

    "Then he'll be on the MS groups spitting his vile at them..."

    Spitting vile? Sorry Mr. Dave, DDP, but I thought I was actually doing
    some people a good favor. I wish someone had told me that everything
    post 2000i sucks for our purposes, and that Autodesk is an
    unaccountable tyrany. If you equate that to spitting vile, then I'm not
    really interested to have any communication with a clown like you.
    Les, Jun 12, 2006
  5. Les

    long&left Guest

    that's cool with me. Hopefully the rest of your life is as perfect as
    you require your software to be :)
    long&left, Jun 12, 2006
  6. Les

    Les Guest

    "Hopefully the rest of your life is as perfect as you require your
    software to be :)"

    Me too. Thank goodness Autodesk isn't in charge of life. We'd have to
    buy subscriptions to make sure that our internal organs didn't get out
    of date. Even if our old liver was working just fine for us, we'd be
    forced to upgrade to the buggy, less reliable liver, or else we
    wouldn't be able to digest any of the rest of the world's food.

    All I want is software that works out of the box. Most companies are
    able to supply that.
    Les, Jun 12, 2006
  7. Les

    Les Guest


    Les, Jun 12, 2006
  8. Les

    Les Guest

    "Hopefully the rest of your life is as perfect as you require your
    software to be :)"

    Thank goodness Autodesk isn't in charge of life. We'd have to
    buy subscriptions to make sure that our internal organs didn't get out
    of date. Even if our old liver was working just fine for us, we'd be
    forced to upgrade to the buggy, less reliable liver, or else we
    wouldn't be able to digest any of the rest of the world's food.

    All I want is software that works out of the box. Most companies are
    able to supply that.
    Les, Jun 12, 2006
  9. Les

    long&left Guest

    LOL, I could probably use a liver upgrade...even an Autodesk supplied
    version :)

    My AutoCAD has worked just fine "out of the box" since R11 although my
    present version (2007) is highly customized. That's a part of the beauty
    of the product, you can make it be and do whatever you want given the
    need and drive to do so. I have had the same dealer since '89 and they
    do a great job when I need them. I've been to several Autodesk sponsored
    workshops etc and their employees that I've met all seem to be totally
    dedicated. I've listened to AutoCAD bashers for years and most of the
    time I just keep quiet and keep to myself...You must be special ;)
    long&left, Jun 12, 2006
  10. Les

    Greg Farris Guest

    You could make the same argument about software in general though. If you are
    still running 16-bit versions of Microsoft Office, you will not be able to
    open anyone's excel files today. Professionals running Photoshop and
    Illustrator have to shell out big bucks to keep current. We may lament it,
    but it's really just the way things go. I share AutoCad files with everyone
    in the project chain for years now, and as long as we're all within a few
    versions of one another it works out OK. I'm on 2004, and am not yet having
    any compatibility issues. I'll probably upgrade next year, and I'm expecting
    the new version to be just as fantastic out-of-the-box as my current one was.

    If you want to see an overpriced software (also used by many of the same
    people who need AutoCad) look at Microsoft Project. It really does very
    little, and the latest versions add almost no features to the oldest ones,
    but the cost is very high, and you have to keep current or you cannot open
    othes' files.

    Greg Farris, Jun 13, 2006
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