the work space in Solidworks

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by SolidPeter, Aug 8, 2006.

  1. SolidPeter

    SolidPeter Guest

    We need to increase the work space in Solidworks!!. In order to do a
    huge part (a bridge).
    We know than the workspace in Solidworks is 1.000.000mm3, centred in
    the origin (500.000mm each side of the origin). And the bridge is
    bigger than this.

    Do anybody know how to increase the workspace in SW. (We cannot change
    the scale, only to increase the workspace).Can anybody help us?
    SolidPeter, Aug 8, 2006
  2. SolidPeter

    TOP Guest

    The standard answer you will get from SolidWorks is that SolidWorks is
    a general mechanical engineering tool, not a bridge design tool. Why
    would you be trying to do this in SW anyway?
    TOP, Aug 8, 2006
  3. SolidPeter

    MM Guest


    Sorry man, the 1km limit is hard coded into the system.

    About the only way to do it is to scale, or use a system without this

    MM, Aug 8, 2006
  4. SolidPeter

    CS Guest

    I would model up each component full sized except add a derived
    configuration of each part that would be scaled 1/10 or 1/100 depending
    on the size of your bridge. Then for the assembly of the bridge use
    all the scaled down configurations and duely note your drawings.

    CS, Aug 10, 2006
  5. SolidPeter

    SolidPeter Guest

    Thanks to all for its answers.

    SolidPeter, Aug 13, 2006
  6. SolidPeter

    TOP Guest

    Pretty clever, except it would make a mess of incontext modeling. You
    might also take a big performance hit in the assembly by having to
    calculate all the scales. And if you went the other way and modeled at
    1/10 or 1/100 you would have to manually attach dimensions to the
    scaled up parts because nothing would transfer. Working in mm for
    metres might work. Have to watch density especially if running Cosmos.
    TOP, Aug 14, 2006
  7. SolidPeter

    Ed Guest

    One possibility may to scale up 10X any in context parts. Then there
    would be two basic configurations for every part.

    The bridge is going to be big anyway and the performance may be the
    biggest issue.

    Hope this helps.

    Ed, Aug 14, 2006
  8. SolidPeter

    TOP Guest

    Another issue that may come up is the fact that reference geometry like
    planes and axes don't scale. Also, blocks won't scale. So the tools
    that might be used to automate the process and carry intent through may
    not be usable or require an inordinate amount of book keeping effort to
    make work.

    In other words, if he makes an envelope part consisting of planes and
    axes to drive the overall layout of the bridge, it will not scale so it
    might be useful for constructing the bridge model, but wouldn't be
    available for the drawings that will need to be made.
    TOP, Aug 14, 2006
  9. SolidPeter

    CS Guest

    There is a partial Work-around or better planning for this situation in
    some cases.

    If you generate the Axis or plane off of geometry and move it after the
    scale feature it will follow the geometry because it is referencing the
    surface edge and vertex IDs at that point in the tree. So reference
    geometry when created after the scale feature will move appropriately
    with the scalar change, although it appears in 2006 SP4.1 it requires
    a CTRL-Q to cause the reference geometry to update.
    CS, Aug 14, 2006
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