the whohas.arx file

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by trynders, Feb 4, 2004.

  1. trynders

    trynders Guest

    At my office, we have a global acad.lsp file that is read by all Acad users when the open the program. how can I make the lisp "whohas.arx" load globally. I have tried (load"whohas.arx") but no luck.
    thanks in advance
    trynders, Feb 4, 2004
  2. trynders

    mark Guest

    (if (not (member "whohas.arx" (arx)))(if (findfile "whohas.arx")(arxload
    "whohas") ) )

    but i do not think you need it for A2k4, it is built-in


    users when the open the program. how can I make the lisp "whohas.arx" load
    globally. I have tried (load"whohas.arx") but no luck.
    mark, Feb 4, 2004
  3. trynders

    Josh Guest

    Write a file in the same dir as your acad.lsp file with the name acad.rx.
    List all the arx files you want to autoload, one per line. So, your file
    will contain "whohas.arx" (not quotes) on one line.

    users when the open the program. how can I make the lisp "whohas.arx" load
    globally. I have tried (load"whohas.arx") but no luck.
    Josh, Feb 4, 2004
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