The Ultimate Workstation

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Seth Renigar, Sep 26, 2007.

  1. Seth Renigar

    Seth Renigar Guest

    I don't post here very often anymore. In fact, I have probably not
    posted but a handfull of times in the last year or more since starting
    my new job. But, I plan to start visiting and posting regularly again
    very soon. My SW expertise level used to grow rapidly when I
    participated in this group. But since I have been on a "leave of
    absense", I feel like I have become stale.

    But for right now, I need some advise. I have been put into an
    unusual position to provide input for picking out and spec'ing
    workstations for our entire engineering dept.

    Before moving to my present company over a year ago, I always worked
    in very small companies, no more than 2 designers/engineers. I would
    spec workstations there trying to get the best bang for the buck of-
    coarse. I would spec very, very fast custom built computers for
    $1500-2000 (box only) about every 2 years.

    Here, the budget is pretty wide open. I'd say somewhere in $5000-5500
    range per station would not be unreasonable for new complete systems
    (monitor, keyboard, etc.). But I would still like to get the most I
    can get for the money, because they will probably have to last 3-5
    years. However, it can not be a custom built computer this time (the
    boss said "think big business"). And, they will be maintained by our
    IS dept.

    If anybody has any input on what you think would be the ultimate
    system in that price range, I would appreciate hearing it.

    To give you a little needed info:
    *We create anywhere from simple, to fairly complex swoopy models and
    *We create anywhere from simple, to fairly large assemblies as well.
    *We use extruded text and helixes reqularly (a real system killer).
    *We use Real-View sometimes.
    *We would liek to do Photoworks, but have been unable to due to our
    old systems.
    *We typically keep Lotus Notes (email) and our PDM system running at
    all times, along with SW. We usually use other programs off and on
    throughout the day as well.

    We were thinking of an IBM Intellistation custom configured. But I am
    open to ALL opinions...

    Seth Renigar

    See ya at SWW2008
    Seth Renigar, Sep 26, 2007
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