the referenced dgn files cannot show line style

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Mr.Chef, Feb 8, 2006.

  1. Mr.Chef

    Mr.Chef Guest

    Hi all,

    I found the referenced dgn files cannot show line style. After copied
    to working file, lines show in correct line style.

    Does any body know where I need to change in settings?

    Mr.Chef, Feb 8, 2006
  2. check you view attributes for level symbology on/off, and your reference
    file settings level symbology. if your view level symbology is
    on, make sure your reference file level symbology for color,style &
    weight are off (unless you are overriding the level symbology for
    certain levels.

    Support Dept.
    "professional consulting for the AEC industry"
    D. Alan Hooper, Feb 9, 2006
  3. Mr.Chef

    Echo Guest

    It could be that your line style scale is wrong.
    Refer to the following for more help:

    All About Custom Line Style Scales

    BTW, we host and monitor a number of discussion groups specifically related
    to Bentley products and services. If you haven't yet,
    you might want to check out for some
    helpful information regarding them. HTH
    Echo, Feb 10, 2006
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