The phantom of the solids

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by StarMan, Aug 6, 2007.

  1. StarMan

    StarMan Guest

    Say I wish to show an item in 3D but with some of the solids hidden and
    others shown as wireframe in phantom lines.

    I know you can make a copy of the 3D objects in question, explode them down
    to lines and put them on a layer with phantom linetype, but is there a
    simpler way to do this? For instance, setting a given solid to show as
    StarMan, Aug 6, 2007
  2. StarMan

    strawberry Guest

    Although the interface is utterly arcane, the solview & soldraw
    commands can help you achieve this. Basically you end up with a 2d
    representation of your 3d model in which hidden lines are
    automatically placed on a separate layer.
    strawberry, Aug 6, 2007
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