the need to read

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Guest, May 16, 2005.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Yes, I'm a newbe to CAD, but I have a customer that wants to email
    me his blueprints, and I need a program that will read them. He asked
    me if I had a cad program, I said no and he said to get one. These
    are dawings of appartment projects and houses.
    1. Can I buy a program that will read any cad drawing? You know the
    different vendors..
    2. Please respond to this by email so I can see it today maybe??? I
    can't get to newsgroups at work. (that's probably a goodthing if they
    want me to work ;} Please reply to ( and post here, I'll check it
    tonight) to
    needless to say remome the nospam. I haven't had a chance to lurk,
    I'm sorry to jump right in.
    3. I may post this in multiple groups, so forgive me again.
    Guest, May 16, 2005
  2. Guest

    Brian Salt Guest

    Well, I did that and the email was still bounced!

    Anyway, assuming you come back here...
    Brian Salt, May 16, 2005
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    No, not kidding, never worked with any of it really!! I'm an
    x-photographer (no not rated) and use photoshop and the like but
    nothing with straight lines and wall thicknesses etc, but am very good
    at reading a real set of blueprints, so I figure I can look on the
    compluter screen instead of the plans. Just trying to get started and
    need a program that will read the software that most people in the
    'residential drawing industry' would use. Autocad sounds about
    right?? BTW, I didn't know that Texas was in the UK, but most of us
    live in trailers and can't afford a radio yet ;] One guy got
    arrested last week for messing up the foundation of one of his
    neighbors abodes, it seems he let the air out of one of the
    Guest, May 17, 2005
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I mispelled it.. I meant for you to remove the word nospam from the
    email address. Anyway an autocad reader probably what I need.
    Anyone know of any EASY, good and cheap ones? just post em here.
    Guest, May 17, 2005
  5. Guest

    Brian Salt Guest

    I did remove nospam.

    Go to the web site that I quoted and download Volo View.
    Brian Salt, May 17, 2005
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    OK--Thanks. It is hard to say which format I'll need to read, as I
    have over 60 customers, 20 active and 3 of them have started to send
    out blueprints this way. So, the rest will follow suit soon.
    However, in the mean time, I just went and picked up a set of prints
    so this project is quoted.
    I have downloaded both programs that you recommended, and will not
    install until the need arises again and I can see the file extension
    on the attachment they send me!
    Thanks for your help.
    Guest, May 19, 2005
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I replied that I downloaded VoloView, but I was simply in the process.
    When I got to the download site, they posted a note saying Volo View
    would no longer be available as of May 1, but offered a substitute. I
    downloaded that, I guess new is good. Can't buck change if you don't
    know what the change is ;}
    Again, thanks for your help.
    Guest, May 19, 2005
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I provided an email address in the body of the letter with 'nospam'
    inserted, but mispelled something in nospam in THAT address, and that
    was the proper email address to reply to, not the automatic 'reply to'
    that I have in the setup. I used to be inendated with email till I
    changed the default reply -even with no spam in it- so something that
    couldn't work with no spam removed!!
    Guest, May 19, 2005
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