The Multidimensional Man

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by jnadiaz, Jan 31, 2006.

  1. jnadiaz

    jnadiaz Guest

    The Multidimensional Man
    The complete text in its original version can be downloaded from the

    The Human body:-The Ego or Personality, consisting of The Physical
    Body, the Etheric
    Body, The Emotional Body, & The Lower Thinking Mind. - P.1
    The Spiritual Body:-
    The Astral Body - P.3
    The Upper Mental Body - P.5
    The Spiritual Dimension - P8
    The Soul Dimension - P9
    The God Dimension -P11
    Seeing the Aura - P14
    No.1: Merging the Lower, the Upper, and the Soul Minds - P17
    No.2: Merging with the Universal Mind - P17
    No.3: Downloading the Spirit. - P18
    No.4: Talking with your Spirit- P18
    No.5: The Scientific method of praying - P19
    No.6: To whom to pray - P20
    No.7: Merkaba Activation - P21
    No.8: DNA activation -P22
    No.9: Talking with the DNA - P23
    No.10: Talking with God. - P23
    No.11: Programming the DNA Computer - P23
    No.12: Putting an end to all conflicts on earth. - P24
    No.13: Programming the DNA computer to rejuvenate you. -P24
    No.14: Searching for a specialized Guide - P25
    No.15: Getting rid of bad habits. - P25


    What is our human body made of?
    Flesh, bones, and blood?
    What about God? And Jesus, Mohammad, Moses, Buddha they really
    What about our emotions, and our subconscious mind, and our feelings of
    love and anger?
    No, our body is much, much more complex than appears at first sight.
    Actually it consists of 7 different bodies vibrating at different
    rates, but all occupying the same space, and interconnected with each
    other, and reacting with each other, and vibrating together, each in
    its own world.

    Physical body. This is the first body that we all know of, and
    consisting of flesh, bones, and blood. It is made of 3rd.dimensional
    physical material, and is often referred to as 3D

    Etheric Body: This is the second body. This body is the exact replica
    of the physical, and consists of a blueprint of the physical body. Like
    the plans that architects make before starting to build, this body
    includes all the details of the physical body. When a part of the
    physical body needs to be repaired, this is done exactly as the
    blueprint in the etheric body The Etheric body can be considered to be
    part of the 4D world which exists all round us and which we cannot see
    because of its higher rate of vibration.
    Telepathy: Man was intended to talk telepathically. You can train
    yourself to do this again. In the center of our brain there is a gland
    called the "Pineal gland". This gland controls our ability to
    communicate telepathically. To activate it, focus on it in the middle
    of the head, then see it expand to the size of your thumb, then twice
    that size. See it as azure blue, like the ocean. Now put it in motion.
    See it turning round and round. Close your eyes and raise your hand.
    When you are satisfied with the size, the color and the rotation, open
    your jaw and snap it shut. This will remove the veil which has been
    coating it so far, and our natural telepathic ability will start
    becoming operational .You will be able to send messages in the etheric
    DNA: We all know that the cells of our body contain huge amounts of
    DNA. We now have scientific indications that this DNA can receive
    spoken messages. You can talk to it! We also know that it has the power
    to modify the human body, to store information, to be affected by
    hypnotic messages, to control development of cancer and HIV, and to
    modify the ageing process. This being the case we can talk with our DNA
    in the etheric dimension Speak to it in a loud voice (behind the
    closed door of the bathroom! (Grin!) and give it instructions. If you
    succeed in establishing contact, the DNA will execute your instructions
    exactly like a computer. An exercise to program the DNA computer is
    given lower down.
    Emotional Body: 5DThis body is controlled by our emotions. Its
    electromagnetic structure changes with one's feelings. Stress has a
    very negative and immediate effect, while feelings of love, joy,
    gratitude, and appreciation are the exact opposite. Thus emotions have
    a direct effect on the body and on its DNA. It was found that the
    body's resistance to HIV for instance increased 300,000 times (yes!
    three hundred thousand times) when the patient had feelings of love,
    gratitude, and appreciation.
    The lower thinking mind, 6D, which we will call the personality, or
    the ego, is our third body, and resides in the 6th dimension. This
    lower mental body extends beyond the body from 8cm to a few meters,
    depending upon its state of development. Psychics can see the
    color as a brilliant yellow. It is in a constant state of activity,
    producing a continuous flow of thoughts, desires, fears, both in the
    conscious and the unconscious mind
    Positive thoughts: It is important that we make a point of always
    thinking positively By focusing on a particular thought we help to get
    it to actually happen
    When we become aware of any negative thoughts we must immediately
    counter them with positive thoughts. This is all that is required to
    create a positive and refined mental body. And it is so easy to have
    these positive thoughts, especially when we realize how dramatically
    this can change our whole life.
    The joy of creating: To create is an important part of the activity of
    the mental body, and the joy one gets from succeeding in a creation
    gives vitality and rejuvenating energy. The creation could be anything
    from a delicious meal, an exotic salad, a new painting fixed on the
    wall, a new location for the television, or an idea that you have
    executed and created into a new or improved product or activity in your
    line of work.
    Sub personalities: The personality, the thinking mind, can be
    considered to consist of many sub personalities who often have
    conflicting fields of interest.
    Thus one sub personality can aim to be a religious being while another
    is a spoilt child You must practice to integrate all the parts of
    your personality and get them all to work together under the direction
    of the higher mind To do this you must first unify your sub
    personalities. How? Ask for the help of the great being from the
    Pleiades who is transmitting to earth " the Will to Unify" It will
    be sent immediately when you ask for it, direct into your third eye
    (between the eyebrows) to enable you to recognize your sub
    personalities, and into your heart center to give you the power to join
    them together
    Talking to your personality: It is not difficult, with a bit of
    practice, to talk to your personality. Go into the bathroom or into
    any private room, and start talking logic. "My dear personality, my
    thinking mind, don't you realize that by eating too much we are
    harming our body? I must ask you to please help reduce the amount of
    food we eat "
    Or you can ask your sub-personality to stop acting like a spoilt child
    and to start thinking about its obligations and its duties as the case
    may be.
    Creative Imagination -Daydreaming. It is important to realize that
    you can bring things into your reality, to imagine them and then to
    bring them to life by simply breathing them in. Imagination is not
    visualization. Visualization is a function of the mind but it is
    limited, whereas imagination is a whole new center somewhere between
    the heart and the mind. It is creative and it brings in potentials. You
    don't have to push it. Just allow it to function, to soar upwards,
    to imagine things, while you walk on the beach, feeling and loving the
    water, the air, the relaxation, feeling your love for others, listening
    to the laughter, happy in the joy of those around you. As you start
    letting your imagination function and as you start trusting yourself
    the colors will become deeper and you'll start perceiving other
    things. So as you practice on allowing this center to function, it will
    become more defined, more detailed, more understanding of your needs.
    You will begin to hear what your guides and angels tell you. All this
    is very real. It is the front door for entry into the domain of
    inspired thoughts, new inventions, and premonitions.
    CREATIVE IMAGINATION: Rebalancing your body. Imagine the aging process
    slowing down, and your power of bringing back youth and vitality. And
    imagine feeling healthy every moment, imagine your body talking to you,
    telling you what kind of food it wants, low carb... high-fat...cookies
    sometimes! So now imagine talking and listening to your body and
    bringing it back into balance by giving it what it wants. You don't
    have to push it. Just let it be. Imagine, breathe, and live . Now
    let's bring this imagination, of the healthy balanced body from the
    etheric dimension and breathe it into this reality. Right NO W. Ground
    it. Accept it. Own it. And live it. The body knows what to do. But it
    has several potential bodies to chose from, a broken down body, a
    diseased or a crippled body, no body, and the healthy balanced body.
    Choose the body you want...breathe it in... and give it life. You
    don't need to study how and why, this is your mind talking! Your
    heart and your soul know what to do and how. Imagination is so, so
    real! So, so simple! Start using it right now. You chose abundance?
    Imagine living abundantly...choose both - living and abundance.
    Don't imagine how much money...simply feel. Feel right now as you
    read this, what it is like to have abundance in your life. The means to
    pay your bills will always be there! The tools you need, and the food
    you need, will always be there when needed. You are the Creator.
    Imagination must be left to work alone, without the interference of the
    thinking mind. If you need any help, call for MYRIAM who is the teacher
    of creative imagination. She always responds!

    The next body is the Astral. It is very real. When you go to sleep you
    will leave the physical body and float into the astral dimension.
    The Astral Body: 7D Unlike the physical body, the astral body can
    overcome gravity by the effort of thought alone. When we go to the
    astral, having left the physical body behind, we can walk around as if
    in the physical, and at the same time we can jump above a tree, and we
    can travel into space. Our astral body cannot be damaged by anything,
    it is unaffected by falling from a height, by electric shocks, by guns,
    by diseases. All these things that affect our physical body have no
    effect on the astral. We can all visit this level, and there we can
    find all the things we are familiar with, cars, trains, planes roads.
    Actually everything we have in our physical world originated from the
    astral from the ideas and discoveries that were first made on the
    astral. In that world we communicate by telepathy. And quite frequently
    a thought coming to us could well be really a telepathic message.
    Those who pass away can have a very pleasant life in the astral,
    building their ideal homes and gardens, then eventually reincarnating
    back onto the 3D world
    Clairvoyants visiting the astral give this description: There is no
    sickness. Sex exists without pregnancy. The personality remains as it
    was on earth, but the intellect keeps growing. Age can be controlled
    and is normally 25 to 30. Missing limbs and disfigurations are
    We are mental creators: We have to practice the art of creation, while
    still in the physical dimension. We must overcome the feelings of fear,
    fear of death, pain, devils, Just by facing our fears head on and
    talking with our personality about them we can make them disappear.
    Actually we have the ability of creating all around us anything we
    wish. By thinking about something beautiful this will become a reality
    in the astral. And if we picture a devil, it will also become real. If
    we think about a solution to one of our technical problems, this will
    also become a reality It's as simple as that. And this is the
    explanation for all we hear about positive thinking, about joy, about
    unconditional love, about forgiveness. This is what creates the right
    atmosphere around us, and now we know how and why! What we think about
    in the physical, becomes a reality in the astral surrounding us, and
    has a direct effect on us in the physical.
    What we can do in the astral: The astral dimension is a real world
    where we can visit our loved ones who have passed away before us, we
    can visit schools and universities, go to classes, to a lecture. We can
    visit and talk to our guides and our guardian angels. This is a very
    vast dimension of existence where mind can have power over matter. When
    making such a visit into the astral world, this astral body will take
    with it the higher mental and the spirit, leaving behind the soul. Thus
    if it is required to go into a zone only available to the higher mind,
    then the upper mental body will take over, and the memories coming back
    from the dream state will be partly from that dimension.
    The subconscious mind: The 90% of our mind which we consider to be our
    subconscious can be awakened in the astral dimension and used to give
    us any knowledge we need.
    The "Silver Chord": While sleeping our astral body floats free and
    hovers above the physical body, connected only by the "silver
    chord" which keeps it connected no matter how far the body goes
    Death: What happens upon death? The physical body and the lower mental
    body will remain on earth and decompose. The astral body, the upper
    mental, the soul, and the spiritual body, will float around in the
    astral dimension for a while. We have so many friends and spiritual
    helpers in the astral dimension that all we have to do before passing
    away is to call on one of them, somebody we know, be it Jesus, Mary,
    Mohamed, Buddha, your mother, and our call will be heard, and we will
    be received and helped
    On entry into the astral, one's whole life in the physical world will
    have to be reviewed, all desires recognized for the illusions they are,
    and all past actions reviewed and judged. by one's own higher self,
    any action requiring forgiveness will be forgiven, again, by one's
    own higher self. Finally we will be led by our Helper to our family and
    friends where we will be received as returning heroes. Then eventually
    we will decide whether to remain in the astral, and on which level, or
    we can decide to leave the earth's astral completely and go to
    another planet. We also will have that choice. If we are ready to go to
    the spirit dimension, we will leave the astral world
    The 7 Astral Divisions: The matter of each division interpenetrates
    that of the division above it. On the surface of the earth all exist in
    the same place, except that the divisions of higher vibrations extend
    higher up than the lower, and the 7th.division lies partly on the
    surface of the earth, but mostly beneath the surface, interpenetrating
    the earth's crust .
    The 7th.division is an area of gross
    unrestrained passions, which cannot be satisfied. It is the temporary
    purgatory, which can be described as HELL. Any man living an ordinary
    decent life will never need to get near it.
    The 6th.division is similar in many ways to physical existence.
    In the 5th. and 4th. divisions the persistence of lower desires has
    been worn out and a state of bliss can be enjoyed in an environment of
    loftier thoughts and aspirations.
    In the third division the whole environment is actively formed by the
    action of one's thought.
    The second division can be described as Heaven on Earth. People will
    find their friends and family, beautiful houses, pools, and gardens.
    Each person will find himself in the environment that he was taught to
    expect by his religious teachings or his family upbringing
    Exercise for Astral Travel: This exercise could be done before going to
    sleep so that it can go on right through the night while you are in the
    dream world. First call on your guide to help you and remain with you,
    and tell your guide where you want to go. You could for instance ask to
    be taken to the Upper Mental Division to do a bit of technical
    Start by doing an effort to leave the body and to rise to the roof, and
    from there look down on your body lying down. This may take 5 to 10
    minutes of concentrated effort. You will eventually feel your Astral
    leaving your body. Try to notice the point of exit, which could be out
    of the whole body, out of your third eye, out of your heart chakra, or
    out of your crown chakra. If you cannot feel yourself actually leaving
    the body in your first few attempts, go instead to "visit" the
    places or people you want to visit, and make a point of noticing and
    noting what you see.
    With a bit of practice you will however soon be seeing yourself looking
    down at your body from above. When you can do that, leave the house,
    jump upwards above the trees, above the rivers, above the cars. Behind
    you, you will be able to see the silver chord. Now think of where you
    want to go, and you will find yourself there. If you go to visit a
    friend make a point of sending him or her a telepathic message which
    you can later check.
    When you feel a wish to return, do so slowly and gently, aligning
    yourself with the body before entering back into it.
    This exercise and others you can easily think of can be used for
    visiting any distant places you think of, meeting your friends and
    visiting departed relatives, even visiting a space ship, the moon, or a
    planet. You can go virtually anywhere you want. But when you go to
    places you do not know make a point of always taking your Guide or your
    Angels with you. Or ask for Jesus to go with you, or any one of the
    many Saints you know.
    And it is fun to meet with a friend at a specified time and place, and
    go together to a place of mutual interest. Then next day checking
    together what happened.

    THE UPPER MENTAL BODY - The eighth dimension
    The vivid yellow of the higher mental body, the 8D body, covers the
    whole body, but in particular the head and shoulders.
    It works through the physical brain. When fully active it permits
    vision into the past and the future, and permits the instantaneous
    solution of problems To achieve this we must
    activate the connection between the physical thinking body, also
    centered in the brain, and the Upper Mental. And this cannot be done
    properly without the active participation of the personality.

    The connection has to be made from the bottom upwards and the rules for
    doing this can be summarized as follows: - 1 - We are never to carry
    negative thoughts about ourselves as these thoughts will render us
    limited in our abilities and prevent us from performing properly. To
    say, "I cannot do this", or "I am worthless" is self-destructive and
    limits our
    abilities. These negative thoughts often arrive from childhood
    memories, and it is only when we become aware of their source that they
    lose their power over us. - 2 - Positive thoughts such as "I can do
    it" and "I am valuable" purify the mental energy body and allow it
    to start actively working on connecting with the upper mind, with most
    remarkable and gratifying results. - 3 - Apart from positive
    thoughts, using one's creative ability, and radiating joy in one's home
    or in one's work in general, joyfully cooking a delicious meal,
    or hanging a picture, will actively help in activating the connection
    between the lower mental and the upper mental 4 - Call upon the "Solar
    Angel of the mind". for help. This Angel will create a channel between
    the higher and the lower mind, and the thoughts in
    the logical mind become infused with clear illumined thoughts. This
    joining of the Upper Mind with the Lower Mind is one of the objectives
    of the evolution of man

    How to talk with your soul: Your soul covers your whole body, but its
    center is in the third eye, between your two physical eyes. It is said
    to be in the 9th. Dimension. 9D. How can you talk with your soul?
    First of all concentrate on your Personality which is going to do the
    talking. This Personality is an amalgamation of your thinking mind with
    your lower mental body (centered in the solar plexus) and your
    emotional body. So the Personality can be thought off as the lower
    half of the body. This is where you will concentrate on it and where
    you can visualize it as getting ready to start talking. Next
    concentrate on your soul and see it as covering the top four chakras of
    your body, the heart, the throat, the third eye, and the crown. See
    this whole area as your soul's area, and see light rays darting from
    one chakra to the other.
    The Personality will start talking:" I have decided that I want to join
    with you! To merge with you into one body, for the good of us all. So I
    am now asking you: Shall we do this? Shall we merge? "
    You will find that your soul is very willing. Actually this is it's
    main objective!:
    "Yes I would love to do this! Let's merge!"
    Start visualizing this as happening, and when this process of merging
    between the two minds and the soul starts taking effect you will know
    this from the indescribable feeling of joy and happiness which will
    flow in all your body

    Yes, there is another mind!. One, as we have already seen, is the
    physical lower mind, which functions with the ego. Then there is the
    upper mind, the mind we are now speaking of, then there is the soul's
    mind, and finally there is the Universal mind which can be considered
    to be the mind of God, and which contains all the knowledge there is.We
    have friends in the Pleiades who are beaming to us "The Will to Act"
    All you have to do is to ask this Will to facilitate the linking of the
    Universal Mind, with your three minds.The "higher mind" (3 minds) can
    also be called the "soul's mind." while "the logical or concrete mind,"
    is the "intellect." (2 minds) and the four minds united can be called
    the "illumined mind" and thoughts that come from the four minds united
    become "illumined" thoughts.
    An illumined mind forms complete thoughts because it is able to tap
    into an idea as it exists in its completeness in the Universal Mind Now
    that we know that there are the four minds, and that it is our
    objective to unite them, all that we have left to do is to unite
    them! (Easier said than done? grin!) Well, the remarkable thing is that
    it is not too difficult. The highly evolved being from the
    5th.dimension planet Erra, revolving around the sun of Taygeta in the
    Pleiades, 500 light years away, has decided to help us in this .Then
    there are the Solar Angels. All you have to do is to ask for the four
    minds to be connected, adding them, one by one as described.
    There is a secret in the asking however that will guarantee success:
    1: Concentrate on the Soul in the 3rd.eye, (then on the Solar Angels)
    (then on the "Will to Act" coming from the Pleiades), 2 - Once you
    feel you are establishing contact, send them love, and think "I love
    you" 3 - Ask for the help you need , with faith and passion, 4.- And
    finally send a big Thank You.
    Seeing that you have read all this with concentration and interest and
    are acting on this information with "faith and passion",( I hope!
    grin!) you are now an evolved being, and as such, with a bit more
    effort you are sure to finally succeed in this attempt. If not right
    away, then after trying a few more times.

    Uniting the five minds: A powerful method is to visualize your Spirit
    as a rotating disk of energy above the head, and to visualize rays of
    light radiating upwards from this disk towards the world of Spirits,
    the God dimension, the All That Is, and other rays radiating
    downwards along the spine to the base chakra, and to continue radiating
    light downwards until you can visualize the whole central area of the
    body as a rapidly revolving column of light. When you connect in this
    way it becomes easier to direct your thoughts to your
    spirit knowing that they will be received and answered. Now is the
    moment to ask for the unification of the four minds with the mind of
    your Spirit, of God, of the All That is. Again you will have that
    feeling of joy and happiness permeating all your body.

    The following principles automatically lead towards the unification of
    the minds.
    This is about being true to oneself, acknowledging truth, & speaking
    This is about practicing unconditional love, breaking out of the
    conditional love consciousness, and practicing self-love.
    Communication is about discussing problems until solutions are found.
    And discussing involves talking to make one's position clear, then
    listening and trying to understand the other person's position. This is
    what "debating societies" are all about. Talk, stop talking, and
    listen! Some people talk, then talk louder to silence the other, then
    shout, then go away! (grin! ). These people cannot be described as
    "highly evolved", can they? (grin!)
    One should not judge another without first placing himself in the
    other's shoes. And looking truthfully at one's own journey
    Creativity is very important for the process of ascension. It helps
    develop the chakras by processing what is being repressed.
    This involves living one's life consciously, being conscious of how he
    is using the energy of love, and the powerful healing tool of
    One must be careful not to avoid one' s responsibilities because of a
    lack of tools to deal with circumstances. One must have confidence in
    his ability to solve problems and must respond to the requirements of
    his life. To find solutions one must be in touch with the soul and
    One must respect himself and insist that others respect his boundaries,
    just as he needs to respect other people's boundaries.
    This involves respect for all of God's creations. Also important is the
    respect of a child's dignity and privacy.
    Be loyal to yourself, and to those who have entrusted you with their
    secrets, who have come to you for a shoulder to cry on. Spirit is
    always loyal to us, answering all our questions when we need the
    answer. But we must learn to listen.
    Creativity, drawing, singing, or dancing, these are life-giving forces
    and should be done with passion, to fully experience life.
    Being fair in one's relationship with oneself and with others is
    absolutely essential for ascension, and the most important aspect is
    forgiveness, forgiveness of oneself and of others. As for truth, a just
    man who is known to always speak the truth, and to always be honest in
    his dealings, shines like a beacon in society.
    Faith allows one to move mountains, makes one learn to keep his eyes on
    God's love, and on the protection of one's guardian angels and guides.
    And automatically makes one keep smiling, happy, loving, optimistic,
    despite all the immensely stressful situations which one
    keeps encountering.
    Forgiveness :
    There is a fundamental law in thermodynamics which says: " To every
    action there is an equal and opposite reaction". Simple? Logical? Well,
    when somebody hits you, your immediate reaction is to hit back, without
    analyzing why he hit you in the first place. To "offer him the other
    cheek!" means "Do something to stop the cycle". What you
    do will reflect your level of intelligence and the circumstances And
    simple logic tells you that when you forgive somebody, your Karma will
    automatically adjust itself

    All men are part of the body of God! God, the All That is, is in a
    dimension by itself, which we will call the 12th.Dimension. However to
    distinguish the All That Is from that portion which is enveloping our
    body, we will call this portion or emanation of God, our 10th
    Dimension. God is the source of life. The giver of life. Without His
    being in our body, this body cannot have life. And He thus participates
    in the life of all human beings. We can consider that He has placed a
    portion of Himself, precisely our spiritual 10 D energy body, as an
    essential constituent of the body. Enclosing the whole body, and
    extending beyond it, and participating in its functioning to a bigger
    or lesser extent according to the extent of the spiritual development
    of our body. Eventually this portion of God will go back and rejoin Him
    in His dimension. But in the meantime it will remain with the human
    being through his various journeys in the astral and soul dimensions,
    and through all his reincarnations.
    When we say all men are "brothers" this is an obvious statement of
    fact. And this fact shows how ridiculous enmity between men really is.
    All men are part of the same body, the body of God! Let us restate this
    fact in another way, to make it clearer (grin)
    All men are part of the body of God, and what is holding them together
    is a vibration called Love.
    So this 10th Dimension is related to the higher mind and to our
    spiritual life It is based in the crown center at the top of the head
    and carries the blueprint of the fully evolved self. As all the other
    energy bodies the spiritual body extends over the whole physical body
    and participates in the functioning of the body. It extends a good
    100cm from the body. and is radiating the love and light of God. We can
    visualize it as a rotating disk above the Crown chakra, just above the
    Our spirit connects with the denser energy bodies and descends into the
    physical dimension, by first creating the Soul which is the connection
    between it and the Personality. Just as our Personality is learning to
    contact our Soul and Spirit, our Soul and Spirit are also trying to
    connect with the 3D body and light its way upwards

    This is a beautiful and important exercise.
    First of all decide that you want to connect, and that you want the
    connection to be continuous and permanent.
    Close your eyes and sense this powerful energy entering the top of your
    head and extending downwards to the base of the spine. While you focus
    on this pillar of light you will see the disk of light rotating and
    vibrating at the top of your head, and rays of light connecting it
    Follow these rays upwards into the domain of the spirit, which we are
    calling the 12th.dimension. With your thoughts, your personality, your
    inner vision, keep following this light upwards, then downwards again
    all the way to the base of the spine. Then upwards again. Eventually
    you will be able to see it as one continuous beam of light, one
    continuous pillar. And this beam of light will start expanding
    outwards, more and more, 100cm, 500cm, 5 000cm until it covers all the
    space you can see in your minds eye. When you reach this stage, stop
    thinking, relax, and just say: " I love You!"
    When you realize how much your spirit longs to establish contact with
    you, and how difficult it is for it to do so, and then on seeing you
    helping to do so from the base up how happy and fulfilled it will
    become, you will start to understand the bliss that this
    exercise will bring you. If you do not feel this state of bliss, do not
    give up! Keep
    repeating the same exercise every few hours, every day and for as long
    as it takes

    What your spirit will do for you:
    So now we have contacted spirit and felt its presence. Can we start to
    ask: Please spirit, I want this and that! (grin!)
    Let me tell you what our spirit can do for us, and how to ask for what
    we want. Because of the importance of understanding all these actions,
    I will tabulate them clearly with a short explanation after each
    1: They will awaken our nervous system, giving it a finer awareness, so
    that we can better sense and respond to spirit.
    2: They will radiate consciousness into the brain cells.
    3: Bring new light into the atoms and cells throughout our body
    4: Our blood stream receives new life, vitality, regeneration, and
    5: Our emotional and mental bodies receive new light
    6: The energy of transformation is carried right into the DNA of every
    cell in our body.
    7: Lower denser energies are eliminated from the aura.
    8: Spirit radiates outwards, warming us up like an inner sun, and
    dissolving all that is cold and dark.
    9: We will not need any longer to struggle hard to get things done. We
    will find ourselves going with the flow.
    10: By visualizing the results we want, we will find things happening
    as we wanted or better, but in alignment with our better good and that
    of all life.
    11: Getting the changes we want becomes as easy as sitting in a car and
    pressing a pedal. Instead of having to struggle uphill had we had only
    our personality to work with.
    12: We will now find that we have an inexhaustible supply of power at
    our disposal, and we will find things unfolding for our better good
    even better than we could imagine.
    13: Happiness and prosperity will become the natural order of the day.

    THE SOUL DIMENSION - The 11th.Dimension
    Just as God has His own dimension the 12D, so all the souls have their
    dimension where they live together, the 11D This is where they return
    after the passing away of the body they have incarnated in.
    How to speak to the Soul: After relaxing into a meditative mood, call
    for a download of soul energy.
    "Download soul energy please"
    You will feel the energy filling your body, and a beam of energy
    rushing outward from your third eye. Your Upper Mind in the head area
    will then find it easy to communicate. First of all say thank you to
    your soul and send it your deep love and affection. Imagine how happy
    you would feel if your son takes the time to tell you thank you daddy,
    or thank you mummy, for all you are doing for me. I love you! Similarly
    this is how the soul will feel when you communicate with it in this
    way. And this will open the way to a conversation. The more you
    practice this, the easier it will be to establish communication.
    Persistence: When we ask for something from our soul it will usually be
    to ask for help. If we ask for help in a matter concerning our health
    we can visualize our soul
    acting directly on the trouble area through the various energy bodies
    and chakras. But if this takes more time than expected we must not lose
    We must keep asking again and again, and we must give the soul the
    choice to act according to our higher good.
    How to see into the future: While you are in this mood and have opened
    up the communication channel with your soul, go out to the beam of
    energy going out of your third eye and ask your soul to tell you what
    are the important new events coming to you in the coming few days, the
    coming week, the coming 50 years, a.s.o.
    In the world of the soul there is no time. All past, present, and
    future events exist together and can be seen at the same time. While
    the future is not rigid and can be changed by the will of a human
    being, the general outline is already in place.
    How to connect with other souls:
    You can send to other souls light, love, joy, happiness, but you cannot
    influence any other soul against its will. Every soul has free will to
    respond as it pleases to your energy. Personality differences become
    unimportant in any such contact and both souls reflect back to each
    other a vision of the higher qualities of each other.
    To connect through the third eye:
    Just thinking of the person you would like to connect with enables you
    to see, sense, or somehow become aware of him/her in your third eye.
    The intention to connect is all that is necessary to establish the
    connection, even though the degree of awareness of this connection may
    How to awaken soul vision: Call on the energy of the Will to Unify
    ( and ask for energy to awaken the third eye. This is
    as a spinning five-pointed star about an inch in front of the forehead,
    between the eyebrows.
    To call on the Will to Unify all you have to do is to think about it
    and ask. And each time you do this you will find it easier to sense the
    Next ask for energy from the Will to Unify to awaken your heart center
    and imagine it sending out waves of love, rippling outwards like the
    arms of a galaxy.
    Now ask to connect the third eye with the heart center. This will
    enable your personality to look out at the world as your soul does,
    with love and wisdom.
    Look out through your third eye area at various situations or people.
    You will see them as your soul sees them, in front of your forehead, or
    inside your mind.
    The soul sends energy to anything you look at, to any situation or
    person, and you will then see the energy as the soul sees it. Every
    time you view something about your life, whatever it is, it will grow
    better. Even a quick view at a circumstance in your life will allow
    your souls energy to pour into it.
    When you blend with your soul and think about your day, you are
    automatically sending soul energy to everything you are thinking about.
    Every time you consciously connect with your soul and draw it into your
    life your spiritual growth accelerates rapidly. You are connecting
    upwards, and the soul is working downwards.
    Meditation for Soul travel. The Simple Temple of Joy Exercise.
    This exercise, when mastered, will enable you to travel in your soul
    dimension to anywhere you wish in the universe.
    Sit quietly and visualize yourself in a beautiful temple standing on a
    golden solar disc. Look at the disc below your feet then at the floor
    of the temple.
    This disc is used by all Emissaries for soul travel and for grounding
    when traveling from one source to another anywhere in the Universe.
    Ask the disc to activate, and a column of light will shoot up through
    your chakras and up to the roof of the temple.
    Again scan along the floor of the disc and look up to the walls of the
    temple. See the walls materialize and appear crystalline or marble like
    even though they are made of light. Then look up to the heavens through
    the transparent roof.
    At this point many masters will start coming to you. One of them will
    stand directly before you. Connect your heart and third eye chakras
    together and keep them connected with a cord of gold or silver light.
    Return the deep love the master will be sending you through the heart
    and third chakra. Ask him for his name.
    Develop a conversation by speaking to him in your mind and waiting for
    his response.
    The Master and other emissaries will walk with you on a golden pathway
    out of the temple. Go with them and sense the space outside the temple,
    looking frequently at the ground to remain grounded. Allow yourself to
    be guided.

    THE GOD DIMENSION - The 12th.Dimension.
    The dimension of the Spirit:12D What we described as the Tenth
    dimension was that part of the spirit incarnated in the human body.
    What we are now talking about is the dimension of the spirit, the All
    That Is
    Exercise 1: To connect with our spirit: First of all we will start by
    meditating and placing our personality in the right frame of mind. Then
    we will thank our Spirit for having created us, and tell It how much we
    love it, just as any child could talk to his father. By thanking our
    Spirit and loving It we would be placing It in the right frame of mind
    to want to establish contact with the personality.
    Then lets have the intention to have a continuous connection, and let
    us imagine the disk of light rotating at the top of our head and
    opening our crown center
    Just becoming aware of our spirit and making an effort to connect is
    sufficient for our spirit to respond by radiating transforming energy
    into our nervous system and the dormant cells in our brain to awaken us
    into a finer awareness.
    As our spirit radiates throughout our body it is affecting every atom
    and cell, down to the DNA, hastening our spiritual enhancement
    Now lets ask our Spirit to continue its connection efforts whether or
    not we are focusing on it. By making this request we will find that
    each time we get back to it the connection will have become stronger
    and easier
    Exercise 2: Talking with our Spirit: Our Spirits objective is our
    highest good. So when we have a problem the way to solve it is to
    picture clearly the outcome we want. Then to ask for this to come about
    providing it is for our higher good and that of all life.
    We should never focus on any negative aspects or worry about them.
    Rather only think about the power of our Spirit, and about the positive
    outcome. It's as simple as this!
    When our personality is working alone its like climbing uphill all
    alone. Whereas when our personality establishes contact with Spirit it
    becomes like riding in a car.
    Our spirit's power is inexhaustible. And just as we love it, it has
    unconditional love for us and its aim is to take us back to its
    dimension bringing back with us the experiences of the physical world.
    Exercise 3: The spirit of others: The first consideration is that the
    upper and the lower minds must be informed and their cooperation must
    be requested. You must talk to them and explain that you have decided
    to channel other spirit entities through your higher self, and that
    they must honor your choice and obey your instructions. Perhaps you
    could also explain what you wish to achieve, and that you can only
    succeed if mind chatter is quieted.
    The technique we will talk about is visualization.
    Visualize your requests, then say, in your head "over" or something
    to that effect. Then tune in to your imagination. The next image you
    receive will be the response, and practice will soon enable quite long
    conversations to take place. This type of communication is available to
    Your Higher Self and other Spirits are all the time trying to send you
    However daily practice is required to improve communication and to
    enable you to remain in a semi permanent state of communication.
    It is imperative that all your channeling is done only through your
    Higher Self.
    An intention statement to the Universe to this effect should be said
    aloud three times before attempting to channel Spirit.
    To connect to other Spirits, simply ask to be connected and wait for a

    Exercise 4: One's own Spirit, or God's Spirit: "I want to
    Introduce the concept of channeling your own Higher Self on a more or
    less continual basis at the same time as recognizing the other aspects
    of your being that make up the complete you" "The point here is
    that I can converse with God in conversation format as if he was a
    person within earshot able to respond to my conversation."
    Try it! It's very simple!
    One way could be to lie down. Concentrate on the point just above your
    head, and think: "I want to talk to my Spirit" You will immediately
    see this light shape coming down towards you, getting larger and
    larger. With practice you should eventually be able to see what your
    Spirit looks like. Then just talk to it.
    Or you could say: "I want to talk to God" In my experience what you
    will see here is a circular sun-like very intense circular light
    radiating rays all around it, getting bigger and bigger as it gets
    nearer to you,
    An option to direct conversations with Spirit is visualizations. When
    you have seen this descending light come close, you are ready to
    visualize. Make up a clear picture of what you want. And when you can
    see it complete, say in your head: "Over". Visualizations can be
    seen very clearly by Spirits. Then wait for the response. The next
    image you see will be the response. And it won't be long before you
    can hold quite long conversations this way.
    Channeling Jesus: (or Mohammad, or Buddha, or Moses ...)
    We know that Jesus, and our other spiritual teachers, can do miracle
    cures. Hence the importance of being able to contact them in an
    emergency, and ask for help for us, for somebody we love, or for a
    friend in need. And the remarkable thing is the ease with which we can
    talk to them. Just ask your Higher Self to connect you. Whatever you
    ask for, always add :"providing it is for the higher good of
    everybody" or something to that effect. These great Teachers are
    truly remarkable. No matter how many people call on them at any one
    time, they always answer all the calls.
    Exercise 5: Channeling a new Guide:
    Enter your meditation posture, be comfortable, erect, close your eyes,
    hands on knees palms up. Take a few deep breaths. In breathe to the
    count of three. Hold breath for a count of three, breathe out to the
    count of three, wait for a count of three before starting again, thus
    taking a total of twelve seconds for each breath.
    Keep repeating until you are well relaxed. Now look around you and
    imagine many beings from the soul dimension coming forward to meet you.
    Open your arms to receive them. Send them your love and thank them for
    caring. Look around and see them opening all these doors to their
    kingdom of love and light. See them smiling at you and inviting you to
    come in. You now walk in, smiling, and your eyes sparkling with joy and
    happiness at this wonderful reception. As you walk in, notice the
    guides who have been assigned to you since birth to guard and direct
    you. Now look around, keep searching until you find somebody shining
    more than the others. He may be far away. No problem. Look at him
    intently and send him a powerful thought together with vibrations of
    love from your heart and third eye: " Please come to me. Can we
    meet?" Start the conversation by sending and receiving these
    wonderful emanations of love, then send him/her your second powerful
    thought: "Are you from the light? And can you be my Guide and
    Teacher, aligned to my higher good and spiritual path? If you are,
    dearest one, come forward and let us get to know each other. What is
    your name?"
    If you do not get the feeling of love and affection you would have
    expected, let him go and search again. Eventually you will find the
    right Guide, eagerly waiting to get to know you. Ask him or her to do
    all that can be done from his/her end to facilitate connection, and ask
    for a mental message telling you what you must do from your end.
    Exercise 6: GOD CELL-MEETING THE CREATOR-Find a comfortable position
    and take time to get quiet. Breathe deeply several times until you feel
    your awareness turning inward.
    Visualize yourself walking into your heart. In your heart you will see
    a path leading you deeper and deeper into your inner heart center. Step
    on this path and follow it until you arrive to its end, your most
    hidden heart place. Here you will see a door leading to a room. Open
    the door and enter the room where you will find a treasure chest. Open
    the chest and you will see a crystal shaped in the form of a merkaba,
    filled with white and golden light. Take the crystal out of the box and
    look at it with love. Visualize yourself sitting comfortably and
    holding the crystal in your hand. Relax, then say "OM". This will
    start activating the light in the crystal, which will fill the room
    with its white and golden light. When the room is entirely lighten up,
    the light will also flood the path on which you came to your heart
    center. When it reaches the entrance to your heart, it will radiate
    outwards as a cylindrical ray of gold and white light, Follow this
    light upwards to the higher dimensions, and at the end of its path you
    will find God awaiting you with open arms, eager to communicate with
    you direct.
    The point to keep in mind is that the Creator really wants to
    communicate with you very badly, and He will immediately know when you
    make an effort to get to him. First you may need a bit of imagination
    and concentration, but as you try this several times the results will
    become automatic and fast, and well worth the time and effort taken to
    After you have tried out all the above exercises for some time, you
    will find out, like I did, that you do not need them any more. Having
    one's own personal powerful Spirit available at any time for
    immediate and effective support and help is so wonderful, so fantastic,
    so unbelievable, that it is well worth training for.

    The Scientific Method of Praying:
    In a chemical laboratory you know that certain mixes will give
    predictable results. In solutions, the results are different. Heating
    to 60 degrees gives a result and heating to 100 degrees can give a
    different result. Similarly with praying. Praying to Jesus will give
    certain results, to Moses other results. To pray in a crowded church
    will give certain results, and to pray with "love, faith, and
    passion" will give other results. Let me give you some practical
    suggestions. Follow them and you will never need anything else!
    1: Give your Spirit a nickname, a loving nickname. For instance if you
    are called Joseph, call It Jowee or Josie, and use this nickname with a
    tone of love and affection.
    2: All thoughts directed to your Spirit are immediately read! So you
    can talk to Him directly by sending Him a telepathic message.
    3:The Spirit's major vibration is one of unconditional love, so keep
    using this vibration "I love you Jowee." Also it is important to
    make sure that "forgiveness" for any grievance against you or your
    community is always foremost in your mind and that you never have
    thoughts of anger or revenge in your messages.
    4: Realize that you can call on Him any time, day or night.
    5: Never ask for something that could disadvantage or cause harm to
    others. Always end your messages with something to the effect "...if
    You consider it is for my highest good ... providing it does not cause
    harm to my competitors. " Actually, to just think about this is
    6: Now for some examples of what you can ask for.
    "Dear Jowee, I want Your protection for
    all the members of my family ... think of them one by one ...and my
    business...think of the 4 corner limits of your business premises...
    and my home ... again think of the 4 corners ... and of the trucks and
    the truck drivers and the workers I have sent.... thank you Jowee , I
    love You" OVER

    And the answer will come
    back, swift and full of loving emotion ..
    "DEAR, DEAR Joe! Of course I'll do all that"
    7: Now for another example: "Jowee, I don't like the way my
    tummy is getting fat, what do you think my weight should be? 79 kg?"
    OVER "No I think 81 to 82 is better"
    8: And another example: "Jowee I'm starting to get old. It is
    important that I remain straight and vigorous! Please? " OVER "OK
    Joe, I'll keep reminding you, and I'll help."
    9: As to "having fun", this is as important as being happy and
    radiating joy. But as to your Ego's ideas of fun and sex, and the
    limits which must be clearly placed, this is a matter for every person
    to ask of his own Spirit, the only universal rule being of course that
    it should not cause harm or inconvenience to anybody, wife, children,
    friends ...
    With these examples I am sure that you can now try out all the things
    you have always wanted, and you will know how to phrase your messages.
    You will love it! And your Spirit will love it, and will love you, and
    will show it!
    As to asking for help for others, such as asking for a miraculous cure
    for terminal cancer, I find that these requests should be sent to
    St.Mary, or to Jesus. or to one's Guide or Prophet And I can vouch
    that any message sent to Them, and phrased in the same spirit as the
    above, and repeated for a few days, will get a positive response.
    The complete text in its original version can be downloaded from the
    jnadiaz, Jan 31, 2006
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