The Man Behind TenLinks: an Interview with Roopinder Tara

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Franco Folini, Jun 28, 2007.

  1. Hi,
    Roopinder Tara, is the CEO, founder, and editor of TenLinks, the
    famous website and daily newsletter that keeps most of us informed on
    what's going on in the CAD / CAM / CAE industry.

    A few days ago, I had the pleasure and honor to interview Roopinder. I
    asked him a few questions on how his business is adapting to the
    changing Internet scenario, the way he keeps users interested in his
    websites, the newest CAD trends, and how he collect the information
    published on TenLinks websites.

    The full interview is available on the Novedge blog:

    Franco Folini
    Franco Folini, Jun 28, 2007
  2. Franco Folini

    fcsuper Guest

    The problem I have with Ten Links is that they have a ton of old links
    that are now gone or ad sites. They need to go through their library
    of links more often to clear out the bonus links.

    fcsuper, Jun 29, 2007
  3. Matt, I agree with you, TenLinks has some problem in managing obsolete

    Today I also noticed that TenLinks Daily and CAD Digest are providing
    links to NON-FREE content.
    In order to read Tony Affuso interview by Randall S. Newton for I'm supposed to pay $9.95. seems to ignore that we are now in the year 2007! This kind
    of content must be free.
    Tony Affuso is just the CEO of a company, not even a good one, not a
    scientist or a rock star.

    IMHO, non-free content should be clearly marked as $$ or, even better,
    excluded from TenLinks.

    Franco Folini, Jun 29, 2007
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