The June PhotoWorks Contest Winner

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Rob Rodriguez, Jul 3, 2006.

  1. The June PhotoWorks contest winner has been chosen. It was a close vote but
    Jan Herud managed to take the lead late in the voting week. Jan is the
    contests first repeat winner having won both the May and June contest. Will
    Jan be able to make July a 3-peat?

    If you'd like to enter the July contest visit to
    download the model.

    Thanks to all those who entered and voted.
    Rob Rodriguez, Jul 3, 2006
  2. Rob Rodriguez

    matt Guest


    Thanks for posting this. I voted for 2nd place mainly because of the
    defocused second speaker, but there were things about Jan's rendering
    that I liked very much. The biggest thing was the use of the material
    for the grill. A couple months back when you did the cell phone
    rendering contest, I did a lampshade, and was wondering how to get a
    partially transparent lampshade. The material Jan used here achieves
    the effect I was looking for. I think I saw something like this from
    something Mark Matthews did too, where the material is made up of tiny
    alternating squares of transparent and opaque material. When these are
    small enough they kind of look like a translucent woven material,
    instead of translucent sheet plastic material.

    Thanks for this, this is a key thing for me to learn. Next is a really
    good illumination technique to make something like real fire.
    matt, Jul 3, 2006
  3. I'll be doing a podcast for Ben Eadie's site very soon (hopefully this week)
    which will cover some indirect illumination stuff. This may help you out
    with some image based lighting.

    Rob Rodriguez, Jul 3, 2006
  4. Rob Rodriguez

    Rich Guest

    The biggest thing was the use of the material for the grill.

    I too would love to know how to achieve this effect, it looks stunning. I
    often have to do these types of materials and have never found a
    convincing/quick way to do it. Perhaps Jan is reading this and would care
    to elaborate a little? I would appreciate it.

    Rich, Jul 3, 2006
  5. Rob Rodriguez

    TOP Guest


    I agree with you. (but I didn't get a chance to vote). Showing the item
    in it's natural environment with the out of focus background was a nice
    touch. The one thing the winner did that the others didn't was to get
    the grill right on the face of the speaker. Several of the entries
    look like they are floating off the floor. I don't know it the real
    item does this, but # 2 did look like it was sitting on the floor.
    TOP, Jul 4, 2006
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