The IRS, viabilty and the perfection of no resistance

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by phil scott, Jan 30, 2009.

  1. phil scott

    phil scott Guest

    There is no lasting economic or other viability without a moral/
    ethical base...

    debunkable as merely a respect for Life generally, and humanity,
    including oneself (not to be mistaken for blind arrogance, thats

    A prerequisite to morality and ethics however is intelligence,
    Intelligence only occurs with abject honesty.

    Stepping though that in reverse, beginning with abject honesty, you
    can bail yourself out of a degraded condition.... pay your karmic and
    other debts and be graciously viable... (takes decades in my
    experience) ....Yer girl friend catching fish for you off the poop
    deck as you panay them in the galley...

    with a few hundred yards between you and the vicious morons working
    for the IRS... who are now forced to give up globally .... btw....
    their ruthlessness had indeed produced their desired result, no
    resistance,,, in fact the perfection of no resistance, death,

    smart those folk.

    no money honey, and their attempts to collect from the collapsing
    economy merely destroying the last viable vestigages of their own
    interests, their own personal sit on their ass 'job' ..... and their
    own sit on their ass wastes to the end.

    .. pooooof.

    we had been discussing this eventuality for a while you know.

    Phil scott
    phil scott, Jan 30, 2009
  2. phil scott

    paul Guest

    yeah,... it's a OT post but it's something of a issue of mine (and I'm
    sure many others)... I think our (USA) tax system is a joke!
    But... the reason I believe it continues is because overall it's
    something that we as a culture have allowed with little to no
    When I think of the tax code I think of a tangled bundle of fishing
    line with hooks every where...

    FYI... this is a break down of the general system....

    At 0.40 cents per $100usd and at ~$9K per person,.. this is another
    reason they continue to exist.
    A FAIR system would have us ALL paying equally... but... many of us
    are paying 3X or more of that average.

    As the world turns...... change only occurs when the MAINSTREAM is
    Otherwise, VOTE for a FLAT TAX SYSTEM,..

    paul, Jan 30, 2009
  3. phil scott

    paul Guest

    btw... I'm for a .... "True flat rate income tax"

    paul, Jan 30, 2009
  4. phil scott

    Cliff Guest

    It's called a regressive tax for a reason.
    Cliff, Jan 30, 2009
  5. phil scott

    Cliff Guest

    You may need to meet John Scheldroup <G>.
    Cliff, Jan 30, 2009
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