the block challenge

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by papa, Oct 13, 2004.

  1. papa

    papa Guest

    i would like to write a lisp extension to autocad, where the user would
    input a simple, 2D, multi rectangle layout, and then the extension would
    take care of adding the required pieces to the rectangles, as determined by
    some programming logic. As an example, consider a simple rectangle that
    represents the top view of a single wall. According to the dimensions of the
    wall, i would like to automatically place tiles around it that would match
    its length and width, and i only have 50cm, 10cm and 5 cm tiles.

    Two methods i ve thought:
    - using reactors to detect each rectangle as it is drawn, and treat it
    - run the extension once all rectanlges have been drawn

    Now for both cases i would need a way of retrieving the rectangle
    coordinates in order to proceed, and this is where i m pretty much stuck,
    after going through many tutorials. It seems that this is a very simple
    task, yet all the tutorials i ve looked assume u already know such basic
    papa, Oct 13, 2004
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