textscr window size width and height?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Bob Quinn, Jan 24, 2004.

  1. Bob Quinn

    Bob Quinn Guest

    I am actually trying to control the actual vertical and horizontal
    size of the text screen itself. It seems that when this screen is called
    from an autolisp function, that it becomes un-sizeable and therefore I have
    to make sure all my lines of
    text fit in it when it pops up.
    Any thoughts?
    Bob Quinn, Jan 24, 2004
  2. Bob Quinn

    ECCAD Guest

    Looks like the (textscr) function is internally coded to set 'centered' screen. Once up - you can resize it with the 'Maximize' button on upper right (little box). Once Maximized, next call to (textscr) shows in full screen mode.
    How to set the 'initial' size ? Maybe AutoDesk Help group could publish a call or a system variable setting ?

    ECCAD, Jan 24, 2004
  3. Bob Quinn

    ECCAD Guest

    2nd thought:
    If you are just trying to display Long 'message'. Why not make a 'list' of the text strings, and display in a 'list' box within a Dialog ? Add OK button. :)

    ECCAD, Jan 24, 2004
  4. Bob Quinn

    BillZ Guest

    I've been looking for a way to open the text window in either a maximized state or a larger "window". So far I cannot find any setting to accomplish this.

    If anyone knows how to do this let me know.

    BillZ, Jan 26, 2004
  5. Bob Quinn

    ECCAD Guest

    Try HKEY_USERS\(user name)\Software\AutoDesk\AutoCAD\R15.0\ACAD-1:409\FixedProfile\Command Line Windows\TextWindow.Position
    Edit / set to "1 1 957 691"
    Crank up ACAD, sets Text Window to Upper Left- and a little larger.
    I don't know if this is re-written on close or not, but seems to change the Location and Size of the Text Window.

    (vl-registry-read (strcat "HKEY_USERLOCAL_MACHINE\\" (vlax-product-key))
    ECCAD, Jan 26, 2004
  6. Bob Quinn

    ECCAD Guest

    Ignore the (vl-registry-read..stuff, was on end of my cut/paste.
    ECCAD, Jan 26, 2004
  7. Bob Quinn

    BillZ Guest

    I'm on r16 and the path is different.

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R16.0\ACAD-201:409\FixedProfile\Command Line Windows

    When I change it and start AutoCAD, it defaults to the old numbers.

    Thanks anyway.

    BillZ, Jan 26, 2004
  8. Bob Quinn

    ECCAD Guest

    Do a 'search' for the "TextWindow.Position", is in (2) places, change the one in HKEY_USERS, not the 'CURRENT_USERS'
    ECCAD, Jan 26, 2004
  9. Bob Quinn

    BillZ Guest

    Got it.

    HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1425822923-717095746-311576647-1073\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R16.0\ACAD-201:409\FixedProfile\Command Line Windows

    Still funny there's not a setting for "maximize" the window.


    BillZ, Jan 27, 2004
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