Textpad 4.7 released

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by michael puckett, Jul 14, 2003.

  1. Download:


    Release notes:


    - - -

    NOTE - Backup any .syn files you've created / customized that exist in the
    standard directory structure ( eg: ..\Program Files\Textpad 4\Samples ) as the
    installation program overwrites all the files. Thankfully I had made backups
    prior to my install.

    - - -

    Partial excerpt from release notes:

    Release 4.7.0

    This release implements the following enhancements, and fixes problems that
    have been reported in version 4.6.2:

    S o m e o f t h e e n h a n c e m e n t s :

    o Current line highlighting can be enabled using View Preferences and the
    highlighting color selected for each Document Class.

    o Doubled the maximum number of "Files of Type" filters to 32.

    o Compare files now only lists different lines, rather than at least 3 lines
    of context.

    o Now handles the Visual C++ 2003 INCLUDE search path.

    o Doubled (to 40) the maximum number of Clipboard History entries.

    michael puckett, Jul 14, 2003
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