Text size in old version of icfb

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by M Howell, Sep 28, 2006.

  1. M Howell

    M Howell Guest

    I am working in a legacy project done in cadence 434 and all my labels in
    the layouts are HUGE. They also appear to be unselectable even though the
    layout is in edit mode. Don't see any way to change the properties of the
    labels. Any old timers know how to change the size of labels in this version
    of cadence?
    M Howell, Sep 28, 2006
  2. Give this a try. Test on a junk cell first to be sure it's what you
    I don't have 4.3.4 to test it on , but it should work. Hope it helps.

    let((labels cv cell lib view modifiedCVs)
    cv = geGetWindowCellView()
    labels = leSearchHierarchy( cv cv~>bBox 20 "label" nil )
    foreach(lab labels
    if(lab~>cellView~>mode == "a" then
    lab~>height = height
    cell = lab~>cellView~>cellName
    lib= lab~>cellView~>libName
    view = lab~>cellView~>viewName
    if( dbOpenCellView(lib cell view nil "a")
    lab~>height = height
    printf("%L in %L could not be opened for edit so no
    lables were updated \n" cell lib)
    ) ;if dbOpenCellView
    ) ;if l ab
    );foreach lab
    modifiedCVs = labels~>cellView
    foreach( one modifiedCVs
    printf("%L in %L was saved \n" one~>cellName
    Dominic DuVarney, Sep 29, 2006
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