Text Questions - Cranial Flatulance

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Thomas Homan, Oct 22, 2004.

  1. Thomas Homan

    Thomas Homan Guest


    I remember a rather basic command for inserting text into an object such
    that there was whitespace around the text without breaking the object.

    Along the lines of the elevation text on topo contours. The text is on the
    line and it appears that the pline contour is broken, but in reality it's

    Please help me recover from this brain fart!

    Thomas Homan, Oct 22, 2004
  2. Thomas Homan

    TomD Guest

    I don't recommend it, but TEXTMASK, within Express Tools, does that.
    TomD, Oct 22, 2004
  3. Thomas Homan

    Matt W Guest

    MTEXT in 2005 has a background option. You might want to take a peek at

    I support two teams: the Red Sox and whoever beats the Yankees.

    | "Thomas Homan" <thoman at co.gila.az.us> wrote in message
    | | > All,
    | >
    | > I remember a rather basic command for inserting text into an object such
    | > that there was whitespace around the text without breaking the object.
    | >
    | > Along the lines of the elevation text on topo contours. The text is on
    | > line and it appears that the pline contour is broken, but in reality
    | > not.
    | >
    | > Please help me recover from this brain fart!
    | I don't recommend it, but TEXTMASK, within Express Tools, does that.
    Matt W, Oct 22, 2004
  4. Thomas Homan

    Thomas Homan Guest

    Thank you both. That did what I needed.

    Thomas Homan, Oct 25, 2004
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