Can anyone help with this text listing problem, The following lisp is supposed to read the height of existing text and amended dimscale ltscale etc. to allow for swapping between detailing scales. Is wotrks about 50% of the time but sometimes does not seem to recognise the text when it is picked. Any help would be greatly appreciated.. (defun c:setsc (/ d h ds1 dst ds1) (setq e (entsel " Select Text: ") d (entget (car e)) h (cdr (assoc 40 d)) ) (if (= h 2.5) (setq ds1 1)) (if (= h 5) (setq ds1 2)) (if (= h 12.5) (setq ds1 5)) (if (= h 25) (setq ds1 10)) (if (= h 50) (setq ds1 20)) (if (= h 62.5) (setq ds1 25)) (if (= h 125) (setq ds1 50)) (if (= h 250) (setq ds1 100)) (if (= h 500) (setq ds1 200)) (setvar "ltscale" ds1) (setvar "dimscale" ds1) (setq dst (strcat (itoa ds1) "-DIM")) (command "-dimstyle" "R" dst) (command "regen") (princ) ) Thanks Spencer