Text on a line problem

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Noel-1, Mar 2, 2005.

  1. Noel-1

    Noel-1 Guest


    I hope some one can help me. I have written a set of VBA code to place text centrally over a line or below the line by selecting an existing line object by using obj.AttachmentPoint = acAttachmentPointBottomCenter this if fine for on top of the line by using obj.AttachmentPoint = acAttachmentPointTopCenter below the line places the text so that the top of the text is crossing the line. How can I offset the below the line so that it is clear of the line object.


    Noel-1, Mar 2, 2005
  2. Noel-1

    Jackrabbit Guest

    Public Function CalcTextBasePoint(ALine As AcadLine, Distance As Double) As Variant
    Dim BasePoint(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim Slope As Double
    Dim XOffset As Double
    Dim YOffset As Double
    '--Find the midpoint of the line.
    BasePoint(0) = ((ALine.EndPoint(0) - ALine.StartPoint(0)) / 2#) + ALine.StartPoint(0)
    BasePoint(1) = ((ALine.EndPoint(1) - ALine.StartPoint(1)) / 2#) + ALine.StartPoint(1)
    BasePoint(2) = 0#
    '--Find the slope of the line
    Slope = (ALine.EndPoint(1) - ALine.StartPoint(1)) / (ALine.EndPoint(0) - ALine.StartPoint(0))
    '--If the line slopes up, we need to add the X offest value and subtract the Y.
    '--If the line slopes down, we need to subtract the X offset value and add the Y.
    If Slope >= 0 Then
    XOffset = Distance * Cos(ALine.Angle)
    YOffset = Distance * Sin(ALine.Angle) * -1
    XOffset = Distance * Cos(ALine.Angle) * -1#
    YOffset = Distance * Sin(ALine.Angle)
    End If
    '--Calculate the new base point.
    BasePoint(0) = BasePoint(0) + XOffset
    BasePoint(1) = BasePoint(1) + YOffset
    CalcTextBasePoint = BasePoint
    End Function
    Public Sub TestBasePoint()
    Dim ALine As AcadLine
    Dim StartPoint(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim EndPoint(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim Text As AcadText
    Dim InsertionPoint(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim BasePoint As Variant
    StartPoint(0) = 0#
    StartPoint(1) = 0#
    StartPoint(2) = 0#
    EndPoint(0) = 10#
    EndPoint(1) = 10#
    EndPoint(2) = 0#
    Set ALine = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(StartPoint, EndPoint)
    BasePoint = CalcTextBasePoint(ALine, 0.2)
    InsertionPoint(0) = BasePoint(0)
    InsertionPoint(1) = BasePoint(1)
    InsertionPoint(2) = BasePoint(2)
    Set Text = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText("TEST", InsertionPoint, 0.5)
    Text.Alignment = acAlignmentTopCenter
    Text.TextAlignmentPoint = InsertionPoint
    Text.Rotation = ALine.Angle
    End Sub
    Jackrabbit, Mar 2, 2005
  3. Noel-1

    TomD Guest

    Jackrabbit's solution is certainly more elegant, and IMO, generally
    preferred, but you can also concatenate a vbCr for a similar, code-less

    I wrote the same kind of thing and did the cheating, vbCr way. ;)
    TomD, Mar 2, 2005
  4. Noel-1

    TomD Guest

    I should have specified that if you use the vbCr, you wouldn't want to use
    TC justification. Use the same justification as the prior line.
    TomD, Mar 2, 2005
  5. Noel-1

    Noel-1 Guest

    Thanks Jackrabbit and TodD

    Jackrabbit the answers you gave me makes perfect sense to me i just need to apply this to my situation (no sweat) TodD I haven't a clue what your talking about. But I think that is because of my in experience with vba.


    Noel-1, Mar 3, 2005
  6. Noel-1

    TomD Guest

    If Jackrabbit's makes sense to you, by all means do that. It's a much
    better solution.

    The vbCr is simply a carriage return. Think of typing two lines of TEXT
    objects. You type the first, press enter, and the second is placed directly
    under it. If you attach a vbCr to the beginning of a text string, you get
    that effect, without the first line of text.

    sTextString = vbCr & "My second line of text"
    TomD, Mar 3, 2005
  7. Noel-1

    Noel-1 Guest

    Thanks for the explanation it is actually a simpler rout to follow
    Noel-1, Mar 4, 2005
  8. Noel-1

    TomD Guest

    You're quite welcome. I mentioned it because of it's simplicity.

    Again, not to beat the dead horse, but the other posted solution is much
    *better*, but if your needs are limited, I wouldn't bother.
    TomD, Mar 4, 2005
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