Text mask & draw order difficulties

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by S Scalise, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. S Scalise

    S Scalise Guest

    I often have to draw plumbing diagrams and am required to place the pipe
    size within the line itself. Traditionally, the line is drawn, the size
    placed as needed and the line is trimmed on either side of the line size
    number. Example:

    ------------------ 2" --------------------- 2" -----------------

    (obviously an awkward approach!)

    I have attempted to create custom linetypes to accomplish this task but
    problems encountered revolve around having to place the inch (") symbol and
    fractional numbers (1/2). Additionally, the numerals must read from left to
    right on the horizontal and "bottom to top" (as one views the drawing
    sheet") on the vertical with the top of the number being to the left.

    Using express command *textmask* seemed to be a reasonable solution as once
    placed the mask obscures the line and it "appears" to be broken. However,
    after subsequent drawing, *draworder* changes and the text moves behind the
    plumbing line thereby seeming to disappear. It is an inconvenience, to say
    the least, to have to select each and every instance of the masked text and
    issue the move to front command. Occasionally I have mistakenly plotted the
    drawing without noticing the change in the draw order. The consequence of
    this, of course, is the plumbing line sizes are not properly displayed.

    Another desaterous event is if *group* is toggled off and any of the masked
    text unwittngly moved ! :-(

    As a user of ToolPac from DotSoft, I have also used *display* *draworder by
    layer* unsuccessfully.

    Is there any way to make the draw order behave itself and remain as one
    arranges it? Or, can anyone suggest another approach to my plumbing line
    size problem?

    Thanks for taking the time to read this post.

    Sam S.
    S Scalise, Oct 5, 2004
  2. S Scalise

    bestafor Guest

    Maybe a lisp program to draw the line with the appropriate dimension,
    prompt for dimension, inserted and then assigned a original name to the line
    as a group.
    bestafor, Oct 5, 2004
  3. S Scalise

    R.K. McSwain Guest

    So would you consider using a linetype if the (") symbol and fractions
    could be worked out?
    R.K. McSwain, Oct 6, 2004
  4. S Scalise

    S Scalise Guest

    Yes, probably. Although 'they' want the inch abbreviation, I can try to
    converse them otherwise.

    With linetype there is the problem with alignment of the numerals since
    AutoCAD wants to have them upside down if the line is drawn in the wrong
    Is there an easier way to drawn the line without having to concern one's
    self with flipping a mis-directed line?
    S Scalise, Oct 6, 2004
  5. S Scalise

    Pete Guest

    Ok this may be even more awkward and even a bit nuts but what the heck:

    Create a layer and set the linetype to whatever; dashed, hidden, etc.

    Create a dimstyle with:
    - no arrows (DIMBLK)
    - extension lines suppressed (DIMSE1, DIMSE2)
    - text aligned with dimension line (DIMTIH)
    - suitable value for offset from dim line (DIMGAP) and the text height

    Draw your lines as dimensions using dimaligned.
    Select all the dims and override the text in the properties box.
    Explode the dims to lines if desired to enable trimming, extending, etc.

    Pete, Oct 7, 2004
  6. S Scalise

    Pete Guest

    Ok this may be even more awkward and even a bit nuts but what the heck:

    Create a layer and set the linetype to whatever; dashed, hidden, etc.

    Create a dimstyle with:
    - no arrows (DIMBLK)
    - extension lines suppressed (DIMSE1, DIMSE2)
    - text aligned with dimension line (DIMTIH)
    - suitable value for offset from dim line (DIMGAP) and the text height

    Draw your lines as dimensions using dimaligned.
    Select all the dims and override the text in the properties box.
    Explode the dims to lines if desired to enable trimming, extending, etc.

    Pete, Oct 7, 2004
  7. S Scalise

    S Scalise Guest

    Well, that is a novel approach -- don't know if I would have come up with
    that one. I'll give it a go.
    S Scalise, Oct 7, 2004
  8. S Scalise

    B. W. Salt. Guest

    Create a dashed line with the size at one end, then use an array to spread
    it to the length you need?

    -----------2" over a length of, say 3", and then array at 3" columns.
    B. W. Salt., Oct 7, 2004
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