Text extruded cut

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Martin, Feb 6, 2005.

  1. Martin

    Martin Guest

    Is there a way to make the text you may use for an extruded cut something
    that can be changed when a part is inserted into an assembly many times?
    Let's say that you want the same part but with different text on each
    inserted instance.

    I'm already using a design table for different physical configurations of
    the part (a button), but can't seem to find a way to vary the text at the
    assembly level without each instance literally being a different part.


    Martin, Feb 6, 2005
  2. Martin

    Martin Guest

    Is there a way to make the text you may use for an extruded cut something
    Could the answer be to use the part design table to create a new
    configuration for each legend instance and simply choose this configuration
    in the assembly?

    Martin, Feb 6, 2005
  3. Martin

    Martin Guest

    I'm about 80% done writing a VBA routine (I spent all night digging through
    documentation!) to create new extruded-cut-text features for each button
    legend I'll need. The program reads a separate Excel file that has the
    desired text and naming for both the sketch and the extruded cut feature.
    This makes it a very simple matter to define fifty keycaps with different
    text on them and execute one macro to do most of the drafting automatically.
    Most of all, it's easy to maintain.

    A design table, of course, would have to suppress all except the one I'll
    need by means of distinct configurations that control the state of these
    fifty-some extrusion-cuts. I could have the program fill-in the design
    table as well, but I think I'll just do it by hand this time around. Gotta
    get going with this...

    Hopefully none of the bugs you mentioned will come to bite me by using this

    Martin, Feb 6, 2005
  4. Martin

    P. Guest

    You propably need a separate configuration for each text feature. Then
    simply select the configuration with the text feature you need.

    There will be three drawbacks to this:

    1. Using multiple configuration parts in an assembly can be a big
    performance hit..
    2. Using text in a part is a big performance hit.
    3. You may change face IDs from config to config which may cause mates
    to fail.
    P., Feb 7, 2005
  5. Hey, if you're writing your own macros already, I wouldn't worry about
    waiting six months before taking the Advanced SW class.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Feb 7, 2005
  6. Martin

    Martin Guest

    Well the class wouldn't be to learn about programming but rather to get more
    into the SW way of doing thing and to understand how to approach assembly
    and part design more intelligently. VBE API programming is not that
    difficult once you know your way around VB and Windows programming in
    general. I've done extensive work with both VB and C++, so all I had to do
    was dig for the appropriate SW hooks and it all came together.

    The routine works reasonably well. It created about 60 configurations in
    twenty seconds. Of course, it took about four hours to find all the API

    Then I ran into the horrific file bloating problem SW seems to have. After
    reading a number of posts on this NG I decided to try both the file
    compaction tools and the "save as" approach. Using "save as" worked but
    broke the models somehow. For example, four character extrude-cuts on flat
    surfaces somehow lost the last two characters ON THE FEATURE ONLY. In other
    words, if you edited the sketch, the text was all there. Ultimately, I
    erased all sixty configurations as well as the associated extrude-cuts and
    sketches, did a "save as" and ran my VB program again to add the
    configurations, sketches and extrude-cuts. The file went from over 60MB to
    about 4MB and didn't have any errors that I've been able to find.

    Martin, Feb 8, 2005
  7. "Save As" can have problems with in-context design if you save an assembly
    under a new name. SW is very picky about names.

    I'm very fond of EcoSqueeze for reducing file size. Unfortunately, like most
    diets, you get great results, but the pounds keep coming back.
    I'm afraid I've got no explanation for that baffling behavior. The closest I
    can come is to say that SW sometimes gets very strange when you are using a
    lot of memory or haven't rebooted in a long time. When I run into things
    like this, I try saving the part (possibly under a new name if I'm nervous
    about saving a corrupt part), shutting down SW, rebooting the computer and
    reloading the part.
    You'll probably find that, as you work with the different configurations, SW
    will start bloating the file again.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Feb 8, 2005
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