Text Displays With Hyperlink?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Mike R., Jan 29, 2004.

  1. Mike R.

    Mike R. Guest

    We use a construction document (CONDOC) routine that attaches a hyperlink to
    each condoc number as it is placed. The hyperlink contains a description of
    the related CONDOC. My colleague's machines display the "Text to disply"
    content in the link on a mouseover while mine does not. I have both
    "Display hiperlink cursor and shortcut menu" and "Disply hyperlink tooltip"
    options checked in my User Preferences.

    Any idea why the text would not show up on my display?

    Thank You,

    Mike R., Jan 29, 2004
  2. Mike,

    Not being familiar with your CONDOC routine...

    Are your objects (with the hyperlinks) on the DEFPOINTS layer and LAYER0

    Please, DO NOT send technical requests to me via private e-mail

    Tracy W. Lincoln
    Assistant Moderator - Autodesk Discussion Forums
    Tracy W. Lincoln, Feb 1, 2004
  3. Mike R.

    Mike R. Guest


    We have an Auto Layering system developed in-house that generates the
    correct (or at least consistent in our office) layer based on the AIA layer
    naming convention. Our CONDOCs are automatically placed on A-ANNO-NOTE
    layer by default. The guy who programmed the hyperlink feature was out of
    the country but was able to reply to inform me of the mouseover issue. In
    addition to the two items in my original post, I needed to have "Display
    Autosnap Tooltip" (not to be confused with Display Auto Track Tooltip)
    checked under Options/Drafting. The text now appears.


    Mike R., Feb 2, 2004
  4. Thank you the details on your process, but more importantly thank you for
    posting your solution for others to read/share. Unfortunitly there is no
    System Variable for some of these settings.

    Please, DO NOT send technical requests to me via private e-mail

    Tracy W. Lincoln
    Assistant Moderator - Autodesk Discussion Forums
    Tracy W. Lincoln, Feb 2, 2004
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