This is a continuance of the story in Catalyst magazine on finding the good and identifying the bad CAD user when hiring. Very good article by Robert Green, all should read this informative article. Testing for the individuals. We need a concise test that can allow us to find these good hires. I am looking for existing test examples that you use for testing these individuals. I would like to compile it and forward copies to all users who wish this information. I figure that all of us put together we can create this test so it covers all features of program usage. This would be better than the CSWP in hiring individuals. How many of you have hired someone just to find out that they pretty much cannot use the CAD software. You spend a lot of time training the individuals and a month or two later they let this person go. All you can see is wasted time spent over the time period. Let us create this test and make it available to all users. This will benefit all in finding these good users or at least give us a way to weed out the bad users. I am not looking for a test on engineering skills, just CAD related ones, so lets keep this focused. I may need others to review for application, at least a grammar review (I know how we engineers talk) once I get this compiled. Inteligence is a capability that cannot be properly tested, CAD usage can. iQ