Testing new employee's ...

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by iQ, May 15, 2006.

  1. iQ

    iQ Guest

    This is a continuance of the story in Catalyst magazine on finding the
    good and identifying the bad CAD user when hiring. Very good article
    by Robert Green, all should read this informative article.

    Testing for the individuals. We need a concise test that can allow us
    to find these good hires. I am looking for existing test examples that
    you use for testing these individuals. I would like to compile it and
    forward copies to all users who wish this information. I figure that
    all of us put together we can create this test so it covers all
    features of program usage.

    This would be better than the CSWP in hiring individuals. How many of
    you have hired someone just to find out that they pretty much cannot
    use the CAD software. You spend a lot of time training the individuals
    and a month or two later they let this person go. All you can see is
    wasted time spent over the time period.

    Let us create this test and make it available to all users. This will
    benefit all in finding these good users or at least give us a way to
    weed out the bad users. I am not looking for a test on engineering
    skills, just CAD related ones, so lets keep this focused. I may need
    others to review for application, at least a grammar review (I know how
    we engineers talk) once I get this compiled.

    Inteligence is a capability that cannot be properly tested, CAD usage
    can. iQ
    iQ, May 15, 2006
  2. iQ

    cdubea Guest


    Have you said a mouthful. I'm a faithful disciple of "you get what you
    pay for, and you pay for what you get". Unfortunately this is a
    difficult issue to get around nowadays with bean counter types looking
    at offshore engineering rates measured in dollars per day instead of

    Saying that, give the potential candidate a simple object and a ruler
    and ask him to produce a drawing. When I say simple, I mean a child's
    wooden block or something like that. Have a seat of SWx as installed
    with no customizations. Have it be something that a descent candidate
    could whip out in 15 minutes. Give them an hour. You will know who
    wins and who doesn't.
    cdubea, May 16, 2006
  3. iQ

    modelsin3d Guest

    There is an online "skills gap assestment" that you can get for your
    company. Its not so much as a test as its shows what the person strong
    and weak points are.

    I think its called "I get it". You can use this existing employees as
    well. There is an online aspect to this in regards to videos that you
    can watch on any area of the program. I dare say there are over 500
    hours of footage ranging from Assemblies to surfacing to drawings.

    Maybe try googling it, if not call your VAR.

    modelsin3d, May 17, 2006
  4. iQ

    Bo Guest

    Just some outside the box thoughts:

    1. Designing plastic parts uses a different skill set than sheet
    metal, so some discretion is needed by a given company in what they
    test for as surfacing skills may not be needed or rarely needed at all
    in some companies.

    2. Measuring how fast someone learns something "new" is more
    difficult, but possibly more relevant when a potential hire comes in
    the door.

    3. Stability & consistency as a reliable employee tends to be
    independent of CAD, and that is important.

    4. Ability to work smoothly and easily in bi-directional contacts with
    others in engineering, manufacturing, vendors and such is often very
    important, too.

    I don't quite know how to go about finding or creating the "Best Test".

    Bo, May 18, 2006
  5. iQ

    ken Guest

    Did that once and asked the candidate to use the "scale" (proper name for
    the triangular engineering/architectural rulers) and reproduce the drawing
    on CAD. They asked "what's a scale", and instantly I knew.

    ken, May 18, 2006
  6. iQ

    Michael Guest

    knew what-- that they were under the age of 30 and hadn't started out on a
    Michael, May 18, 2006
  7. iQ

    Bo Guest

    But since a lot of drawings are still on paper, a lot of companies
    simply must take measurements off paper docs and create Solids files,
    so there is a REAL NEED, to be conversant with the "scale".

    It is particularly so in industries where large items are built where
    those are still used, even in the field by construction crews.

    Hence I really do agree with Ken.

    Bo, May 18, 2006
  8. iQ

    matt Guest

    It may not be politically correct to say, but the lack of experience or
    skills is certainly valid grounds for not hiring someone.
    Self-confidence alone is not qualification enough.

    That said, I would rather hire someone with the ability to learn than
    someone who is stagnant with mediocre skills. I wouldn't judge someone
    based on their ability to use a slide-rule. I'm 40 and don't know how
    to use one (although I did learn once).
    matt, May 18, 2006
  9. iQ

    kb Guest

    just ask to see their calculator. if it's rpn, hire them on the spot.
    kb, May 18, 2006
  10. iQ

    Art Woodbury Guest

    Where do I apply?

    Art W
    (owner of 3 HP-11Cs and my old 1963 K&E Log Log Duplex Decitrig)
    Art Woodbury, May 19, 2006
  11. iQ

    Chris Dubea Guest

    LOL! Now that would be a small group. I bet most people wouldn't
    know what RPN stands for.

    Chris Dubea, May 19, 2006
  12. iQ

    ken Guest

    This was 18 years ago. Lots of drawing boards still in service then, and
    not too many colleges teaching CAD and none of the high/vocational schools.
    It was still a commonly used instrument. I wouldn't ask it today, but then
    it was very relevant.

    ken, May 19, 2006
  13. iQ

    ken Guest

    I know what it stands for and it makes sense knowing how it works. Never
    got used to it though, but then again, never had to use a calculator too
    much since my career has been pretty much 100% CAD.

    ken, May 19, 2006
  14. iQ

    kb Guest

    I know several people that would love to get their hands on an 11c or 15c.
    I bought my 11c in '81 for $125. It's still in remarkably good shape, just
    missing the rubber non-skid pads. I take it home everyday for fear of
    losing it.

    Funny thing, I can't use a regular calculator. :D
    kb, May 19, 2006
  15. iQ

    Bo Guest

    I actually wore out 3 of the 41c type versions (forgot the variations).

    They each took years of beatings in the trenches and out in the tool
    shop as I made parts and prototype molds.

    Not having CNC's, I wrote a program that let me step corner radii so I
    could do some simple 2D shapes on parts without having to "send them
    out", so the 41c's survived a long time right on the Lagun mill's bed.

    Bo, May 19, 2006
  16. Hey There -

    Personally, I would ask them to model some simple things in a minimum
    of 3 different ways and describe the best practices vs. worst. I would
    also ask them to model something in the most terrible way possible and
    then describe why it is terrible.

    If you want a cad jock, it would not to be too much to ask for them to
    bang our a few models, assemblies and a drawing or two in an hour or
    two. Put them to the test.

    I would also ask them describe what they knew about drafting - what is
    the difference between view types, 1st/3rd angle projection and so on.
    It should be reasonably easy to get to the bottom of the person's

    You have to know what you need - you might need a designer and the
    criteria might be different. I have met great cad folks that had no
    concept of design. So know what you want before you set the criteria.

    I have been thinking that a knowledge test base solely on describing
    acronyms would be revealing. For example:

    DPMO, FOB, ARO, NCNR . . . (is could potential reveal what a person
    had knowledge of - or perhaps just spawn a book of acronyms). I would
    use this type of inquiry with someone who claimed "generalist" status.



    For those of you interested:

    EDM - electrical discarge machining (also some planning thing which one
    the described would show their bias)

    CNC - computerised numerical control

    CPM - crucible powdered metal

    MRP - materials requirement planning

    PDM - product data management

    PLM - product lifecycle management

    SQL - structured query language

    GDT - geometric dimensioning & tolerancing

    DFM - design for six sigma

    LAM - large assembly mode

    DPMO - defects per million opportunities

    FOB - from our buisiness (if appropriate as them for various types of

    ARO - after recieving order

    NCNR - no credit no return
    Sean-Michael Adams, May 20, 2006
  17. iQ

    iQ Guest

    Well if anything this was an interesting loop and the turns that it
    took, full speed ahead. Sorry I have been out for a while with a bone
    spur in the heal of my foot.

    Let me start at the beginning. I use to have a test for new hires for
    mechanical engineering needs. It was based on AutoCAD 14. I even took
    the test when I started in my current company. It was a
    multiple-choice test that started from the basic command concept to an
    advanced topic. I am going to re-create this using SolidWorks as the
    CAD tool. The AutoCAD test showed me how technical the user was in
    knowledge of the software.

    This will be kind of the same format of the CSWP exam, but a lot easier
    questions. The test will continue to re-create a model from a printout
    of a drawing in SWx. Then the new hire will detail out the modeled
    item to the best of their intent, I will remove the drawing that the
    model was created in.

    This will just be a basic skill test, nothing fancy. The test will
    only demonstrate competency not value to the company as an individual.

    Of note: I have had many hires in the last year that state they can run
    SWx just to find out that they started the software once or twice.

    Back to the test. I plan on having a few sections to the test. 10
    questions per section. Sections to include sketching, solid modeling,
    surface modeling, assemblies, detailing, programming, cosmos, and I an
    sure that there will be a few more. If anyone is interested I would
    like questions in a specific area, the multiple choice answers and the
    correct answer. I will compile and distribute. If anything this would
    be a good starting place for you to customize for your industry.

    Not that I mind all that banter of this group, it is quite colorful at
    times. But I would like interested parties only. If you do not want
    to be part of this test then please do not reply. I understand your
    opinions, I have read all of them, I have quite a few myself on

    This is a request from my manager to update our testing program for new
    hires. And I am committed to supporting my company to the best of my
    ability. I have even reviewed this testing creating concept with him
    and he agrees that the test will require multiple viewpoints and
    disciplines to create a good test. And he and I have no problem
    sharing the results.

    This is the story of ham and eggs (commitment verses participation).
    The chicken gave us eggs for our meal, the chicken was participating.
    The pig was committed, it gave us its ham. Can you say OINK... iQ
    iQ, May 30, 2006
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