Testing for Acsender Descenders in mtext

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by hutch, Jan 26, 2005.

  1. hutch

    hutch Guest

    I have an mtext app that I am working with...
    however, I have found that ascenders and descenders cause the line spacing to be adjusted slightly.
    I have placed a piece of dtext in a column by iteself based on the height of the mtext, but when the ascenders are in the first line of the mtext the dtext isn't located exactly in-line with the first line of the mtext.
    Any ideas as to how I can adjust for this ascender... which happens to be an inch mark in this case?
    I thought about exploding the mtext... get and test the first line with the textbox function then use this to adjust the location of the dtext.
    any other ideas?
    hutch, Jan 26, 2005
  2. hutch

    mataeux Guest

    would it help to set the "Line Space Style" to "Exactly" in stead of "At
    least" ?

    of the mtext, but when the ascenders are in the first line of the mtext the
    dtext isn't located exactly in-line with the first line of the mtext.
    the textbox function then use this to adjust the location of the dtext.
    mataeux, Jan 26, 2005
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