Test to see if drawing is open using VBA

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Kustomizer, Feb 22, 2005.

  1. Kustomizer

    Kustomizer Guest

    Can anyone tell me how to test to see if a drawing is already open in
    AutoCAD using VBA and if it to make it the active document?

    I have a VBA macro to open xrefs by by just picking them in the drawing but
    I need to test to see if the drawing may already be open to avoid opening
    the drawing a second time in "Read Only" mode.
    Kustomizer, Feb 22, 2005
  2. Kustomizer

    MP Guest

    would this work?
    Public Function OpenDwg(sDwgName As String) As AcadDocument
    Set OpenDwg = GetObject(sDwgName)
    End Function
    MP, Feb 22, 2005
  3. Well there are two ways to read your request - looking for drawings that
    the current user has opened, or looking to see if anyone has them opened.

    If its the current user, cycle through the AcadApplication's document
    collection something like:

    Dim oDoc As AcadDocument
    For Each oDoc In AcadApplication.Documents
    If oDoc.Name = "Name you're looking for" Then
    Set AcadApplication.ActiveDocument = oDoc
    Exit For
    End If

    If its to see if anyone has it open, then you need to access the File and
    check its properties through the file system and see if its open or not.
    Search this ng because that has been answered numerous times and I don't
    have the code at hand right now.

    -- Mike
    Mike Tuersley
    CADalyst's CAD Clinic
    Rand IMAGINiT Technologies
    the trick is to realize that there is no spoon...
    Mike Tuersley, Feb 23, 2005
  4. Kustomizer

    kustomizer Guest

    Thank you, that is what I was after however, I've been unable to figure out where to put in my function (I'm pretty new to VBA) to make it work. I thought it would go within the "SelectObject" function but I keep getting "End If without block If" error. Here is the text, maybe you know how to incorporate the open doc test so the function will work without error...

    Public Sub OpenXref()

    'Set the current drawing as the active document.
    Dim activeDoc As AcadDocument
    Set activeDoc = ThisDrawing.Application.ActiveDocument
    Dim ver As String

    'Declare two variables for a block reference and external reference.
    Dim pt As ACAD_POINT 'Declare a variable for a pick point.
    Dim ob As AcadObject 'Declare a variable for an Autocad object.
    Dim xR As AcadExternalReference 'Declare a variable for an Autocad external reference.


    On Error GoTo NotObject 'If no object is selected then proceed to the NotObject function.

    activeDoc.Utility.GetEntity ob, pt, "Select an XREF: " 'Select an Object in AutoCAD.
    If (ob.ObjectName = "AcDbBlockReference") Then 'Check that the selected object is a block reference.

    'Now that the selected object has been established as an external reference, set the xref to the selected object.
    Set xR = ob 'Reference an AcDbBlockReference.
    Dim Msg, Style, Title, Response
    Msg = "Open File: " & Chr(13) + StrConv(xR.Path + "?", vbUpperCase) 'Define message.
    Style = vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton1 'Define buttons.
    Title = "Open Xref File?" 'Define title.
    Response = MsgBox(Msg, Style, Title)
    If Response = vbNo Then 'User chose No.
    Exit Sub
    Else 'User chose Yes.
    Dim oDoc As AcadDocument
    For Each oDoc In AcadApplication.Documents
    If oDoc.name = xR Then
    Set AcadApplication.ActiveDocument = oDoc
    Exit For
    activeDoc.Application.Documents.Open xR.Path 'Open the xref file.
    End If
    Exit Sub
    End If

    'Alert the user that nothing was selected and give the opertunity to reselect or cancel.
    Dim MsgNotObject, StyleNotObject, TitleNotObject, ResponseNotObject
    MsgNotObject = "No object selected! " ' Define message.
    StyleNotObject = vbRetryCancel + vbExclamation + vbDefaultButton1 ' Define buttons.
    TitleNotObject = "Selection Error!" ' Define title.
    ResponseNotObject = MsgBox(MsgNotObject, StyleNotObject, TitleNotObject)
    If ResponseNotObject = vbRetry Then 'User chose retry.
    Resume SelectObj 'Resume selection mode.
    Exit Sub
    End If

    End If
    End Sub

    Thanks for your help!!
    kustomizer, Mar 8, 2005
  5. Kustomizer

    MP Guest

    multiple embedded If/End If s are hard to keep track of and generally to be
    you were missing a Next to go with a For and it's hard to see buried in all
    those ifs

    heres a few tweaks fwiw
    Option Explicit

    Public Sub OpenXref()

    Dim oDoc As AcadDocument
    Dim oDocOpen As AcadDocument
    Set oDoc = ThisDrawing
    Dim bDocOpen As Boolean
    Dim oApp As AcadApplication
    Set oApp = oDoc.Application
    Dim oDocs As AcadDocuments
    Set oDocs = oApp.Documents
    Dim Msg, Style, Title, Response
    Dim pt As Variant 'Declare a variable for a pick point.
    Dim ob As AcadEntity 'Declare a variable for an Autocad entity.
    Dim xR As AcadExternalReference 'Declare a variable for an Autocad
    external reference.

    On Error GoTo NotObject 'If no object is selected then proceed to the
    NotObject function.
    oDoc.Utility.GetEntity ob, pt, "Select an XREF: " 'Select an Object in

    If Not TypeOf ob Is AcadExternalReference Then
    MsgBox "Not an xref"
    Resume SelectObj
    End If

    'Now that the selected object has been established as an external reference,
    set the xref to the selected object.
    Set xR = ob
    Msg = "Open File: " & Chr(13) + StrConv(xR.Path + "?", vbUpperCase)
    'Define message.
    Style = vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton1 'Define buttons.
    Title = "Open Xref File?" 'Define title.
    Response = MsgBox(Msg, Style, Title)
    If Response = vbNo Then 'User chose No.
    Resume ExitHere
    End If

    'instead of iterating all docs just go for the one you're looking for and
    see if its here
    On Error Resume Next
    Set oDocOpen = oDocs.Item(xR.Path)
    If Err Then 'doc not open
    MsgBox "Doc not open"
    MsgBox "Doc open"
    bDocOpen = True 'I prefer to set a boolean instead of burying more
    ifs inside this if
    End If

    On Error GoTo OpenErr
    If bDocOpen Then
    oApp.Documents.Open xR.Path 'Open the xref file.
    End If

    'these are not strictly necessary according to some
    'just makes me feel like I cleaned up after myself...
    Set oDoc = Nothing
    Set oApp = Nothing
    Set oDocs = Nothing
    Set xR = Nothing
    Set oDocOpen = Nothing
    Set ob = Nothing
    Exit Sub

    'Alert the user that nothing was selected and give the
    opertunity to reselect or cancel.
    Dim MsgNotObject, StyleNotObject, TitleNotObject,
    MsgNotObject = "No object selected! " ' Define message.
    StyleNotObject = vbRetryCancel + vbExclamation +
    vbDefaultButton1 ' Define buttons.
    TitleNotObject = "Selection Error!" ' Define title.
    ResponseNotObject = MsgBox(MsgNotObject, StyleNotObject,
    If ResponseNotObject = vbRetry Then 'User chose retry.
    Resume SelectObj 'Resume selection mode.
    Resume ExitHere

    End If

    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume ExitHere

    End Sub


    out where to put in my function (I'm pretty new to VBA) to make it work. I
    thought it would go within the "SelectObject" function but I keep getting
    "End If without block If" error. Here is the text, maybe you know how to
    incorporate the open doc test so the function will work without error...
    MP, Mar 9, 2005
  6. Kustomizer

    kustomizer Guest

    Wow! Now that's some VBA acrobatics!

    Many, many thanks for taking the time to help!

    I gave it a whirl and received no errors but it's not finding the open document. If the document is open, it tells me its not and opens a read-only copy instead of making the already open document active. Would it be advantageous to cycle through all the open documents to ensure that its found?

    I think I'm over my with this one at this point, I understand what is happening in the code but not quite sure how to get it to search all open documents
    kustomizer, Mar 9, 2005
  7. AutoCAD 2005 makes a DWL file with the same name as the open file. That
    sounds like a real easy way to check.
    Frank Oquendo, Mar 9, 2005
  8. Kustomizer

    kustomizer Guest

    I am using AutoCAD 2002 currently.
    kustomizer, Mar 9, 2005
  9. Kustomizer

    MP Guest

    document. If the document is open, it tells me its not and opens a read-only
    copy instead of making the already open document active. Would it be
    advantageous to cycle through all the open documents to ensure that its
    happening in the code but not quite sure how to get it to search all open

    don't know why it doesn't find the open dwg. it did here but we're on 2005
    so i don't remember if 2002 is different in some way.
    The item method of a collection should return the object if it exists or
    error if not.
    That's why I changed the for each loop to just trapping the error.
    You can certainly go back to the for each you were using before if that was
    working for you.
    I'm sure there's no detectable speed penalty or anything else.
    It's just a theoretical concept i had stuck in my mind, like if you're
    looking for a layer - and there may be hundreds of them - it's theoretically
    faster/more efficient to use the item method rather than iterate the entire
    In this case if iteration works I'd definitely use it.
    I believe that's what your original code was doing wasn't it?
    MP, Mar 10, 2005
  10. Kustomizer

    kustomizer Guest

    I never got the "for each" statement to work because it was a suggestion from someone else and I couldn't quite figure out where to put it in my code and how to make it work. I'm very new to VBA, this was my first VBA attempt and it took me many hours to get it to work, so your help has been very much appreciated! So you know what my next question is...how to I get the "for each" statement to work?

    Dim oDoc As AcadDocument
    For Each oDoc In AcadApplication.Documents
    If oDoc.Name = "Name you're looking for" Then
    Set AcadApplication.ActiveDocument = oDoc
    Exit For
    End If

    kustomizer, Mar 10, 2005
  11. Kustomizer

    MP Guest

    from someone else and I couldn't quite figure out where to put it in my code
    and how to make it work. I'm very new to VBA, this was my first VBA attempt
    and it took me many hours to get it to work, so your help has been very much
    appreciated! So you know what my next question is...how to I get the "for
    each" statement to work?
    Ok that's two questions -
    1 Where to put it in my code.
    2 How to make it work.

    as far as 1, i'd have to see your current code to know where to put it
    as far as 2, the way you had it looked like it should have worked to me, but
    it didn't!
    I had to change it to
    For Each oDoc In AcadApplication.Documents
    If oDoc.Name = "Name you're looking for" Then
    oDoc .Activate
    Exit For
    End If

    I don't understand why you can't set the ActiveDocument property to the doc
    The property is not listed as readonly as far as I could tell but for some
    reason it didn't like it
    However in my test the .Activate method on the odoc object did work so that
    should do it.

    I'd like to hear, if someone knows, why the ActiveDocument property didn't

    ps, once you get the activating an open document part to work, there may
    still be issues with opening the document if it's not open - depending on
    search paths / and if you're using relative or absolute paths for your

    Was that part working for you? .Open (xr.path) ?
    maybe you're saving hardcoded paths on the xref?

    here, xr.path would be like "dwgname.dwg"
    thus the path would have to be determined and pre-pended to allow acad to
    find the dwg.

    MP, Mar 10, 2005
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