test failed/driver version change

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by kfosterm, Dec 18, 2003.

  1. kfosterm

    kfosterm Guest

    Has anyone else had this issue? It is driving us crazy.

    Our company is comprised of 5 offices throughout the state. We're running Windows 2000 server, all CADD machines are Windows XP running AutoCAD 2002. Each office has it's own set of printers and plotters (all HP) that are of varying vintage (HP4v-HP8150N, HP450-HP1055CM) Time and again when someone in our office connects to a printer in another office, the drivers for our local network printers are either corrupted or changed. We get 'test failed' errors on our printers...the driver gets changed on our plotters, etc. etc. Then IS comes over, disconnects the printers, removes the drivers, and reconnects the local printers. And all is fine until we attempt to connect to another office again.

    We first noticed this problem about the time we started upgrading to Windows XP...but I don't know if it a Windows problem, an AutoCAD problem (we upgraded to the 2k family abou the same time), or an HP problem.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    kfosterm, Dec 18, 2003
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