Terminal question

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by PolyPusher, Oct 13, 2009.

  1. PolyPusher

    PolyPusher Guest


    I am noticing that if a master terminal is deleted(in this case the
    net still exists with routing in the master), the net is still in the
    list of terminals. Is this an incorrect way of checking for master
    terminals or do I need to check for existing of a physical pin?

    How would I, from the top cell level, take the list of nets from the
    above code and check for the existance of a physical pin??

    Thank you in advance,
    PolyPusher, Oct 13, 2009
  2. PolyPusher

    PolyPusher Guest


    I think I need to make sure the pin count is not "zero" Is there an
    easier way?

    Thank you in advance,
    PolyPusher, Oct 13, 2009
  3. PolyPusher wrote, on 10/13/09 20:58:
    Either that, or look at terminals~>pins . You could do:

    foreach(term car(geGetSelSet())~>master~>terminals
    printf("Terminal %s has pins\n" term~>name)

    I wasn't entirely sure what you were trying to do...

    Andrew Beckett, Oct 14, 2009
  4. PolyPusher

    PolyPusher Guest

    That works.

    However, why does the term~>name exist with no pin no longer there?
    I would think the "name" would be removed with the pin.

    Thank you for the education as always,
    PolyPusher, Oct 15, 2009
  5. PolyPusher wrote, on 10/15/09 14:25:
    It's possible to have a database which just has connectivity and no physical
    representation. So you can have terminals, instances and nets - with no pins or
    wires (or routing). You get such things if you do a File->Import->Verilog and
    choose not to create a schematic.

    So it's perfectly OK to have a terminal without any pins. The terminal is the
    logical part, and the pin is the physical part.


    Andrew Beckett, Oct 16, 2009
  6. PolyPusher

    PolyPusher Guest

    "The terminal is the logical part, and the pin is the physical part."
    I understand now.

    Thank you for the education and patience,
    PolyPusher, Oct 16, 2009
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