term for opposite/back side of a surface

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by birdpup, Jun 28, 2005.

  1. birdpup

    birdpup Guest

    I am attempting to find a term for the opposite or the back side of a

    Typical terms for a:
    horizontal surface are top and bottom or "on top" and underneath,
    vertical surface are front and back, and for a
    nautical surface are windward and leeward.

    Does anyone know if there is a proper term that would describe the
    opposite side of a flat surface, without regard to the surface's
    orientation or whether it is horizontally or vertically situated?

    Maybe primary and secondary would work but there should be a better term.

    I have attempted to find the newsgroups with the highest degree of
    relativity for this question, mainly knowledge in mechanical engineering
    and drafting, and I apologize if this is off topic for the newsgroup.

    Thank you very much for your help.
    birdpup, Jun 28, 2005
  2. birdpup

    Ned Simmons Guest

    The usual term on mechanical drawings is "FAR SIDE". For
    example, the callout for a blind hole on the opposite side
    of a plate from that in a drawing view might be, "1/2-13
    UNC-2B X .75 DP MIN, FAR SIDE".

    Ned Simmons
    Ned Simmons, Jun 28, 2005
  3. birdpup

    birdpup Guest

    OK, that is good. I was not aware of that one. That will prove helpful
    in another area, thank you. In a mechanical drawing, the object's
    orientation is predetermined and fixed. I am working to describe a base
    unit with a threaded pipe that will extend down through a flat surface
    like a tabletop or countertop and will be securely fastened from
    underneath by a nut. For a tabletop or countertop, the term
    "underneath" can be easily used, yet this same base with a threaded pipe
    could be similarly attached to a wall, in which case the description
    would be "fastened from the (far side) with a nut". Is there a term
    that could be used to describe both situations, for a horizontal
    tabletop or a vertical wall?

    For further clarification, this is for a Pro Se patent application I am
    working on. My background is a navy ship (submarine) mechanic with a
    formal education in computer science. From your example description, I
    can recall [1/2" diameter, 13 threads/inch, universal course, .75" depth

    For the independent claim, I currently have the phrase "... a
    downward-extended means, possessing fastening threads and a
    corresponding nut, for securely fastening said base to a surface." This
    phrase will work well since a further clarification of "for securely
    fastening said base from underneath the surface" may unnecessarily limit
    the scope of the claim. It would be interesting to know how to properly
    write this for both a horizontal and vertical surface though and this is
    why I ask.

    Again, thank you very much.
    birdpup, Jun 29, 2005
  4. birdpup

    Bob Morrison Guest

    In a previous post birdpup says...
    "Far Side" works equally well for both horizontal and vertical. It
    means "Not on the side you are viewing"
    Bob Morrison, Jun 29, 2005
  5. birdpup

    birdpup Guest

    Then that is exactly what I needed to know. I thank both of you very
    much for your help and clarification.
    birdpup, Jun 29, 2005
  6. birdpup

    Tone Guest

    Just thought, maybe Flipside !?
    Tone, Jun 29, 2005
  7. birdpup

    Brian Salt Guest

    Obverse and reverse.
    Brian Salt, Jun 29, 2005
  8. For a sheet of paper, the trem "verso" is often
    used to denote the reverse side.
    Olin Perry Norton, Jun 29, 2005
  9. birdpup

    stretch Guest

    When dealing with cons, "Obverse" is the front, while "Reverse" is the

    stretch, Jul 9, 2005
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