Templates, how is it done?

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by fmcdougle, Jan 16, 2008.

  1. fmcdougle

    fmcdougle Guest

    I have done this in the past, but it was so long ago I can't remember,
    and the Pro Help files, will not much help. Now I'm at a new job
    and there are not any start parts or templates. I'm mostly interested
    in what ever it takes to get my name and a couple of other things set
    into the parameter file so I don't have to fill it in every time.

    I am the only user here so what I do will not effect anyone else. The
    start part itself I don't think I will have one. Every part is

    fmcdougle, Jan 16, 2008
  2. fmcdougle

    Janes Guest

    A start part can contain as much or as little standardized setup as you
    want. I work with a start part that has a given set of parameters that need
    to be filled out, a set of layers, standard named views, default datums and
    csys, units set as well as a default material, a reasonable abs accuracy
    value as well as anything from the Setup menu that you might want
    incorporated into every part you create. Then, when you have the
    configuration parameter TEMPLATE_SOLIDPART set by browsing to the file you
    want to set, this will pop up every time you create a new part, as long as
    the box is checked that says 'Use default template'. When you use this
    template part, it's the same as opening the part and doing a 'Save as' with
    the new name. Then, it doesn't matter what geometry you create in this part,
    you'll have certain basic stuff set up the same way from one part to

    David Janes
    Janes, Jan 17, 2008
  3. fmcdougle

    fmcdougle Guest

    Thanks David
    fmcdougle, Jan 17, 2008
  4. fmcdougle

    fmcdougle Guest

    Is there a way to copy the three symbols from Pro's template_drawing
    and putting them into a different template_drawing? Will the
    properties window will still open for name changes?

    fmcdougle, Jan 18, 2008
  5. fmcdougle

    Janes Guest

    Is there a way to copy the three symbols from Pro's template_drawing
    and putting them into a different template_drawing? Will the
    properties window will still open for name changes?


    Sure, you do 'save a copy' and give it the name of your new template. Then edit the template for such things as page size, default view locations, default .DTL file configuration information.

    David Janes
    Janes, Jan 18, 2008
  6. fmcdougle

    fmcdougle Guest

    Your saying I can open the template_drawing and copy the
    template_symbol_1 to a new name and past it into template_drawing_b
    that I already have. That is what I would like to do.

    fmcdougle, Jan 21, 2008
  7. fmcdougle

    Janes Guest

    Your saying I can open the template_drawing and copy the
    template_symbol_1 to a new name and past it into template_drawing_b
    that I already have. That is what I would like to do.

    No, I'm saying copy the template to a new name and the symbols go with it. If you're actually asking about creating a reusable symbol library, that be a whole other kettle of fish. Is that what you're trying to accomplish, a reusable symbol library? I guess I'm confused where we're going with this.

    David Janes
    Janes, Jan 22, 2008
  8. fmcdougle

    fmcdougle Guest

    No I don't want a library. I already made a template_drawing before I
    decided I wanted the symbols. I was just tring to find out if I could
    move one of them to my new template_drawing. If not I guess I can
    start over with my drawing_template.
    fmcdougle, Jan 22, 2008
  9. fmcdougle

    Janes Guest

    No I don't want a library. I already made a template_drawing before I
    decided I wanted the symbols. I was just tring to find out if I could
    move one of them to my new template_drawing. If not I guess I can
    start over with my drawing_template.

    You know what I have heard of for symbols, short of setting up a symbols library, is a symbol palette. It's a drawing that's identified somehow as a palette. Do this: Click 'Insert>Drawing Symbol>From Palette'. You'll notice that there's a button Add to Palette. If you're in your drawing template, you might be able to add them to the palette and make them accessible this way.

    David Janes
    Janes, Jan 22, 2008
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