techGetDeviceInClass vs leGetContactNameArray

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by I-F AB, Feb 27, 2009.

  1. I-F AB

    I-F AB Guest


    Could anyone tell me what's the difference between using the 2
    following SKILL codes:
    techGetDeviceInClass(tfID "syContact" "symbolic")

    Do they both point to information from symContactDevice() in the


    Best regards,
    I-F AB
    I-F AB, Feb 27, 2009
  2. I-F AB wrote, on 02/27/09 04:22:
    The first ONLY gets the symContactDevice contacts. The second will additionally
    return ruleContactDevice and cdsViaDevice contacts.


    Andrew Beckett, Feb 27, 2009
  3. I-F AB

    I-F AB Guest

    The first ONLY gets the symContactDevice contacts. The second will additionally
    Many thanks.
    I've found a techfile which has both cdsViaDevice & symContactDevice
    contact definitions.
    Now I can try them out.

    Best Regards,
    I-F AB, Mar 5, 2009
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