"TECH is nil" error when copying library

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by spectrallypure, Nov 14, 2007.

  1. Dear all,

    I am experiencing the following errors in the CIW when making a copy
    of an entire library:

    *WARNING* no technology specified
    TECH is nil

    These messages appear whenever I open any cell of the copy library
    (schematic view). This is how I made the copy:

    1. I had an original library "lib_A" which was developed using the
    AustriaMicrosystems design kit v3.70 and their C35B4 0.35um CMOS
    technology. The integrity and correctness of the cells in this library
    have been fully validated through exhaustive simulations.

    2. From a new directory, I launched icfb with the environment set for
    the IBM BiCMOS design kit for the 7WL 180nm technology (as provided by
    MOSIS), and modified the library path in order to be able to 'see'
    "lib_A" in my library manager. I also added AustriaMicrosystems'
    "PRIMLIB" (a library of primitives) to the library path for letting
    cadence 'find' the pmos and nmos instances in the schematics of the
    cells in "lib_A".

    3. Using the Library Manager copy utility, I made a copy of "lib_A",
    which I called "lib_B". I checked the "Update Instances: Of Entire
    Library" option in the dialog window when making the copy.

    4. At the end of the copying step, when I was prompted to attach the
    copied cell to a technology library, I selected the "bicmos7wl"
    process, which was readily available in the cyclic field.

    5. Now I have my copy library "lib_B" which is supposed to be attached
    to the new technology. Nevertheless, any time I open one of its cells
    (schematic views) I get the aforementioned errors.

    I don't see where can the error(s) be. When I right-click to see the
    properties of the copy library "lib_B", the field "techLibName" shows
    "bicmos7wl" as expected. Also, I am pretty sure the IBM design kit is
    correctly installed and is being properly loaded, because when I make
    cells from scratch they simulate flawlessly.

    Just in case someone wonders why I am interested in performing this
    kind of copy, it is because I need to migrate the library to the
    smaller IBM technology, basically by replacing all the mos instances
    in all the schematics of the copied cells with their counterparts in
    the new technology. I am using skill code to achieve this.

    ....I haven't been able to find a single entry when googling for these
    errors; I don't even know if the procedure explained above is the
    right way of copying an entire library in order to migrate it to a new
    technology, in the first place.

    Well, any help is GREATLY appreciated! Thanks in advance for any


    spectrallypure, Nov 14, 2007
  2. spectrallypure

    S. Badel Guest

    Ok. The message is not too talkative. First thing I notice is, you
    added PRIMLIB in your library path to see the primitives (which is
    probably not necessary) but you did not include the technology library
    (TECH_C35B4 or so). I suspect this error might be from some SKILL code
    loaded in libInit.il of PRIMLIB library (just a guess).

    In any case, if I were to do this I wouldn't even include the PRIMLIB
    in my library path, but just the source library. Then doing the copy,
    you will get a library with missing masters (but instances will be
    there, unbound) that you can then rebind with SKILL to your new devices.

    If removing PRIMLIB does not help, maybe you can try to re-attach the
    IBM tech using Tools->Technology File Manager->Attach.

    It might (it will...) be a nightmare to migrate the schematics, since
    the devices from the new library will probably not have the same parameter
    names, pin positions (when you change to the new device, some pins will not
    be connected anymore), and CDF callbacks will hurt too.

    I have done it for a dozen schematics that I was too lazy to redraw, but
    in the end it would probably have been faster to redraw them :)

    Are you planning to migrate layout too ?

    S. Badel, Nov 14, 2007
  3. Thanks so much for your help Stéphane. I tried to make the copy by
    removing PRIMLIB as you suggested, but the problem persists. Then I
    tried to use the attach feature of the Technology File Manager, but
    also with no luck :(

    I think that you are right, and as you foretell, all this is related
    to the properties and callbacks of the instances getting messed when
    performing the replacement. I guess the approach I am following to do
    the replacement is not correct, but then the question is:

    How can I completely replace (with properties, callbacks--everything)
    the original instances in the schematics and entirely replace them
    with completely new instantes of the transistors of the new technology
    library (I mean, completely extirpate them)? (You can see the detailed
    SKILL code I am using for making the replacement in the thread "On how
    to migrate a design to a new technology, at the schematic level" in
    this forum).

    I really appreciate your help, and I would be really grateful if you
    could please advice me on the best way to accomplish the replacement
    of the instances. The project in which I am working is analog VLSI, so
    there are just too many different cells with too many transistors to
    do this manually. What's worse, this is not the only technology for
    which I need to do the migration, so the burden completely skyrockets
    when considering the manual approach!

    On the bright side, I am not planning to migrate any layout; in fact,
    I haven't even done any layout for the orginal library because before
    doing such gargantuan job I first want to see if the design works in a
    smaller technology. As a matter of fact, this is why I am doing all
    this migration stuff in the first place!!!

    Well, I look forward to your comments. Thanks once again for any help!


    Jorge Luis.
    spectrallypure, Nov 16, 2007
  4. Ooops! I got confused; the SKILL code I am using is not posted on the
    mentioned thread. Here it its:

    procedure( AMS035_to_IBM_7WL( t_LibName t_CellName )

    ; open the cellview
    cv = dbOpenCellViewByType( t_LibName t_CellName "schematic" nil "a")

    ; walk through all the instances, replace nmos transistors
    foreach( inst cv~>instances
    when( ( inst~>libName == "PRIMLIB" && inst~>cellName == "nmos4" )
    dbSetInstHeaderMasterName( inst~>instHeader
    "bicmos7wl" "nfet" "symbol_compatible" )
    ) ;when
    ) ;foreach

    ; save & close
    dbSave( cv )
    dbClose( cv )
    ) ;procedure


    Jorge Luis.
    spectrallypure, Nov 16, 2007
  5. You may have to force reevaluation of the callbacks. Do a search on
    this group as there is already posted code (think it was Andrew)
    describing how to reevaluate CDF callbacks in the object properties
    dialogs. I have now used this reevaluation a couple of times
    successfully when replacing parameters on large chunks of cells.
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Nov 16, 2007
  6. Thanks a lot for your remarks, Svenn. I think I have found the threads
    you mention (specially the one entitled "Triggering callbacks"). I
    however don't fully understand when should I execute these procedures
    in order to accomplish effect of a total instance replacement.

    Would the following approach make sense?:

    1. For every copied schematic, perform the replacement of all
    transistors instances using the code above
    2. For every replaced instance in every schematic, force the execution
    of all the callbacks for its parameters, using code like the

    ; set the global variable used to communicate with callbacks
    ; assuming W is the parameter that was modified
    callback=get(cdfgData paramName)->callback
    when(callback && callback!=""
    ; catch any errors during the evaluation
    errset(evalstring(callback) t) )

    ....and If so, how can I now in advance for which parameters of the
    copied cells should I trigger the callbacks? ...Maybe it would be
    better to just sweep all the parameters of each of the replaced
    instances and trigger their callbacks when applicable, but, how?

    Thanks again for your time and interest.


    spectrallypure, Nov 16, 2007
  7. If you inspect the CDF parameters attached to your transistor symbols
    with CIW->CDF->Edit ... you will quickly see which parameters are just
    parameters, and which have a callback. Typically w and l of a
    transistor are set as numbers and then some realW and realL are
    calculated based on w and l. w and l is typically entered by the
    designer when he places the symbol.

    In my case it was a property called simM actually used by the
    netlister that took the value of m and just copied it. Very simple,
    but I had to traverse the whole tree and execute the callback

    I think it is a bit trial and error to find out which callback has to
    be executed first as other may depend on it.
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Nov 16, 2007
  8. If you have callbacks which are order dependent, you're in trouble - and this is
    a sign of poorly designed callbacks (although my feelings on CDF callbacks used
    to compute other parameters are probably well known - see my sourcelink solution
    "The Dangers of CDF Callbacks" where I elaborate on this).

    If you've got the code I've posted before, you should be able to either call:




    (I think that's what it's called) to call the callbacks for every instance in a
    cellView, or a specific instance. It's also possible to specify the order you
    want to call them in (look at the comments in the code) if you really need to...


    Andrew Beckett, Nov 19, 2007
  9. spectrallypure

    Mobil Guest

    Why not try the CIW->Tools->Technology File Manager->Attach to attach
    whatever tech file you want
    Mobil, Nov 21, 2007
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