"tasks" in VerilogA?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by zephyr, Jan 2, 2006.

  1. zephyr

    zephyr Guest

    Happy new year everyone!

    I searched this group for "veriloga task" and it returned nothing.
    Before that I read CDN VA language ref (ver 5.1) several times and
    nothing seems promising.

    What I am trying to do is to port a test pattern generater from verilog
    to veriloga. In the verlog view there are lots of tasks defined so I
    can call them any time so I don't need to rewrite the same output
    sequences (e.g. a synchronize sequence) every time I use it. However, I
    can't find an equivalent in veriloga.

    Anybody encountered this before?

    zephyr, Jan 2, 2006
  2. There are tasks and functions in Verilog-AMS, but in Verilog-A you just have
    analog functions. These are covered in the documentation.

    Andrew Beckett, Jan 3, 2006
  3. zephyr

    zephyr Guest

    Thanks Andrew. Verilog-AMS would still require a mixed-mode simulation
    but I would really like to have a pure spice-level sim. Guess I'm stuck
    with loooong bit streams with that approach ...

    zephyr, Jan 3, 2006
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